Henry's_mum/Lyndsy's babes...

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Here's Brillo, and Toby

Toby climbing on the Tractor...

Toby checking out Cole's drum

Brillo peeking out

Brillo on the drum

I even got some popcorns out of Brillo Boy today.
I think they're just so happy to be out of their cage again! I know Brillo was pretty adventurous at Shelaghs, and it's nice to see Toby climbing, and exploring too!

Murdoch gave me kisses today too! Those boys usually don't sit still long enough to even notice i'm in the room with them, but today was different for some strange reason, maybe because he's getting older? I'm not sure, but I sure did enjoy it!!!
Brillo got Henry's toes today... :redhot:
Henry's fine, but man toes sure do bleed alot!
I got out the quickstop and it stopped almost immediatly. Poor boy didn't mind the snuggles after that run in with 'BRILLO THE GORILLA' You know what scares me, is that Henry and Brillo are the smae size! :shock: Murdoch's a bit smaller than Toby. I'll try and get some weights on these men :giggle:

Brillo and Toby are using their litter box! YAY! but Brillo's got some runny poops...i'm figuring it's just the stress of EVERYTHING, new home, smells, food, treats, etc. but is there anything that'll help with this?

and Toby no longer fear poops or pees on me when I pick him up :happydance:

minus the toe incident, and the poops, we're doing alright I suppose!

Rats are very territorial about their cages especially when a strange rat is climbing on them...definitely a recipe for a toe bite.

Wow Henry and Brill are the same size? They are both about a lb then. :shock:
lilratsy43 said:
I think someone has GMR bad...lol

ConRATS on all the new boys!!!

:doh: not sure what that means... :doh:

I told you guys Henry was a big fellow! :giggle:
but he doesn't like Brill too much, and Brill feels the same towards Henry :roll:

I sent the girl an update email, with pics, and she was SO happy to see them running around INSIDE the warm house. She even said they looked happier... :giggle: I told her i'd send her updates if she'd like, and of course she said yes to that!

Shelagh, she also liked the new names... :nod: Especially Brills!
ok, so did weights tonite, WOW! a little stressful. LOL!

So this is what i've got,
Brillo 580 g
Toby 460g
henry 540g
Murdoch 347g

I had to put then inside a container with a lid to keep 'em on the scale...
I tried to give 'em treats, but they wouldn't eat... :roll:

not sure if it's right, but according to my scale, that's what it read, and I I used the TARE method... :?
henry's_mum said:
ok, so did weights tonite, WOW! a little stressful. LOL!

So this is what i've got,
Brillo 580 g
Toby 460g
henry 540g
Murdoch 347g

I had to put then inside a container with a lid to keep 'em on the scale...
I tried to give 'em treats, but they wouldn't eat... :roll:

not sure if it's right, but according to my scale, that's what it read, and I I used the TARE method... :?

How old are these men? They are very handsome.
Those wieghts seem about right to me. I have a boy who is about to be 1 year and he is only like 425g. And then I have another boy who is around 700g. And another who is 650g, so either Henry is a big young boy or he just older then you thought...lol..
not sure how old Brillo, and Toby are, but the girl had had them for about a year?!?!? They're DEFENITLY older than my other boys... Toby being the oldest, sleepa alot more, more content with just sitting still on your lap. Brillo still likes exploring, but tires faster than the other boys...
and Henry is SUPPOSED to be around 5mos, Murdoch around 4mos... They're ALWAYS popcorning, runing, jumping, just ALL over the place :giggle:

Henry and Brillo are about the same size! I think he's just a BIG young man.
Toby and Murdoch are my little men... :heart:
IF I had not known ages my guess was Brillo was 14-16 months, and Toby is getting closer to 2 years old. He walks flat footed, he's very low to the ground like an oldie, and is small and thin like oldies get.

Do you mind that your "young rats" are actually much older Lyndsy?
lilspaz68 said:
IF I had not known ages my guess was Brillo was 14-16 months, and Toby is getting closer to 2 years old. He walks flat footed, he's very low to the ground like an oldie, and is small and thin like oldies get.

Do you mind that your "young rats" are actually much older Lyndsy?

LOL! NOT a bit!
They're so sweet! Brill actually lets me pat him, and give him scritches now! :happydance: He comes and climbs on me by himself, and actually comes onto to my hand to come out of the cage now...
and Toby, well he's just a sweetie :heart: But yeah, I think Toby is MUCH older than the other boys, he's just so placid, peaceful, and laidback. The VERY opposite of Brill and Henry. Murdoch's still quite young, and he LOVES his attention, but is always to busy to sit with mum very long... :roll: I haven't quite frigures him out yet... :giggle:

ok, this is something i've been noticing since the new boys came home.

Toby powergrooms Brill whenever he comes back into the cage after having their free run, which Toby usually either doesn't go out for, or just runs for a bit. But it's Toby powergrooming Brill :wow:
I would've thought Brillo would be the one powergrooming toby...
What's the deal with that????

Also Toby has been nipping/biting Brills tail, to point where it's bloody in spots... :huh:
What's going on with that????

Just curious, looking forward to hearing what this is all about,


Murdoch under the bed...

Murdoch, and Cole reading Dora stories...

Henry, trying to figure a way OUT!!!

Toby, doing what Toby does best. hahaha, shhhh.

Brill, checking out the clean blankies, the flash is TOO bright mum!

i just LOVE my boys, naughty or not, they're AWESOME! :nod:

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