Henry's_mum/Lyndsy's babes...

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Man, Lynds! I just got caught up on this thread. It seems like just yesterday you only had Henry and now you're up to ... :panic: I think I lost count! CongRATS! :joy: :joy: You have a super rattie family!

And I see you finally have a Malloy! :wink2:
it's been a bit, and I thought i'd catch up on some things...
Henry has left us, but i'm certain we'll see him again...

I FINALLY got my FN!
I got Murdoch, and the mini me's (Pipp, and Squeek) they're called the mini me's because ones a black berk, and ones a gouti berk, just like Henry and Murdoch...
got them in with Riley, Romo, Scooby, Scrappy(rescues)and the PEWs (from Lindy)
So that's the FN.

Brill's going in for his neuter on the 26th, YAY! no more biting!!!! which means no more hospitals!!!! and Toby's still kickin' he's a sleeper... They're still in the old age home (XXL bunny cage)
and Turner is still a leakly little bugger... eye's always mucky, and nose too. Tried Baytril for a couple weeks with no improvement, and Hootch is fine. (rescues)

now the best part!!!




Mini Henry-

Mini Murdoch-

and some pics, just 'cause they're cute!!!

Turner having some tea

Hootchy escaping

Henry, who was CLEARLY the King of the Castle :heart:

and Romo being attaked by the PEWs, and mini Murdoch (Squeek) :giggle:

tell me mini me, Pipp, doesn't look JUST like Henry?!?!?!

And Murdock, he's aparently a poor rex, or a rex all together, 'cause he's got some curly whiskers, and wavvy fur... He's SO handsome... He remindes me of the Brill Man. Murdock's taking Henry's death a little ruffer than i'd thought... Poor dude spends most of his time alone somewhere in the FN...

Then we have the CRAZY, always entertaining PEWs!

then we've got Riley... sweet sweet Riley... He's always lookin' for lovin' or an adventure...

There's Scooby, who's up for adoption... He's comming around.

and Scrappy, who's Scooby's bro, and is also up for adoption...

and Romo, who can resist the face of my Romy Man....
more pics!!!

For those that didn't hear, LA did an urgent pull for me, and these are the 2 cuties that came home to me!
This is Elle, now known as Winnie~her choice!

and this is my Juicey Brucey!!!~he's not very camera happy, much like his girl Winnie!

Then we've got random pics of the FN boys...

Then I had to move Toby in with Chance because Brillo was too cool fro him, and he wasn't liking the new boys that moved in too much...
So I bought a cage off of Moon, and this is where the 2 boys reside, and Toby is MUCH happier now!!!
The cage is a little barren i'm washing hammocks and such :giggle:

Aw what cuties!
LMFAO, i love the caught picture :p My ratties used to escape all the time! Rats are escape artists :laugh4:
Pics of my man!

Poor Juicey Brucey is slowing down these days... eating slower, walking slower, and to boot has a porphy eye... :sad3: He's grown a HUGE spot in my heart, this ones gonna be a tough one... :heart: :heart: :heart:
So Bruce and 'ella' who is now Winnie...don't ask!
were serperated, pending thoughts that she may or may not be pregnant, and we can ALL thank the moron who had them first for what babies may or may not come of it...
So Bruce was lonely, and Winney seems to care less...
Tonight with the help of LA we decided he should have firends of the penis bearing kind :cheeky:
I put Toby, good ole Toby who gets along with pretty well anyone, and his new buddy Chance in with Bruce, and VOILA! instant friends!


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