Henry's_mum/Lyndsy's babes...

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k', so i'ts been a while....
Riley's doing WONDERFUL!!!!
he's in with Romo right now, and totally the boss of that situ. :nod:

I took Romo out of Henry's cage, he was NOT being nice, and my poor Romo had a big gash out of his face...
so here;s pics of them settling in...

and this is Cole talking to Riley...

I also have got a couple fosters from a shelter that can't take any rats in at the moment, they are not in the best condition, but with my love, and care, they'll be tip top in NO time!

Meet Turner and Hooch

and Hooch

:D :D :D I can't believe you named them that!! :D :D LMAO! They're SO effing cute!

Romo and Riley are so cute together... Such lovey boys! I love that pic of Riley and Cole!! :D
got my new cage today! and I LOVE it!
It's in awesome shape for being used!

Romo and Riley are in it together, and seem to enjoy the LOADS of space it's providing!!!

It came with most of the accesories, but for being a used cage, I was just happy it was in as good shape as it is!

Also had the new guys out today.
I noticed Turner's eye was squinty all day, and a bit red. I've been talking to Shelagh, and she's been helping me through this one. :bow:
Turners def. the subby, he's the Beige hoodie, and is really quiet, and laid back.
Hooch is the TOTAL opposite. He's ANOTHER Brill, and Henry!!! :gaah: :wallbang:
I also noticed he's missing a toe, poor man's prob. the only one who knows how it happened too...
Their itchy scratchy's seem to be going away, and the smell doesn't seem as bad today either.
They're also learning to use a litter box, and with great sucess for only having been introduced to it last night. :thumbup:

Turners squinty eye....

Their set up, with Brill introducing himself :wink2: He wasn't totally welcomed either...

another of Brill saying 'hi'

and this is my main man Brill, hangin' with mum! He's come such a LONG way. The first time I met him at Shel's place, he would run in the opposite direction of a hand, NOW he climbs up my legs to get to my shoulder, and waits at the door for me... :heart:

so as you know we've adopted 5 PEW's from Lindy!!! and they are so FREAKIN' cute!!!!
I've coloured their fur to tell them apart easily, and Shelagh said to put it on their shoulder blades, like heartworm meds in dogs. It's harder for them to groom/clean it off... well, I guess Riley and Romo don't agree with who is who, 'cause they've helped to clean the colours almost off this morning.... :doh:

Colour legend=
oliver-NO COLOUR

OMG Lyndsy! They are absolutly adorable!!! Give them all kisses for me...Especially Riley! I miss that little guy so much :giggle:

I'm wondering...as far as the colouring their fur...if manic panic hair dye might work. Its non toxic so is as safe as crayola markers, comes in 40 different colours and it is semi perminant, although on white fur it would probably last a very long time. You might concider looking into that since it would probably save you alot of hassle. I've been able to find at least a few shades at most shoppers drug marts.
hmmmm, i'll have to look into that Bruxxy!
They've licked it off soooo, mant times now it's not funny... :doh:

Riley is AWESOME, he's the sweetest little guy, he's WONDERFUL with the babies too! He's VERY motherly with them. Always cleaning them, herding them together, and if ones missing, he's on the case... :giggle: Romo has been learning from Riley too. They get along GREAT! and I wouldn't doubt you'd miss that little man, he really is the BEST!

I go into that room, and call 'Ri Ri' and he's running at me full tilt! They all do when they hear their names, but Riley is soooo hyper, he runs the fastest! :giggle:
These are the cleanest babies ever, I had to stop applying food dye every day and bought a sharpie marker for their tails...at least that is lasting LOLOL

Your Family look fabulous Lynds :heart: :heart:

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