Very discouraged.
Hannah can sit to clean, cleans her face, etc but there is no attempt at all to hold her food, she just eats it off the ground.
She can go to the end of the couch without falling, but she tries to jump off the couch and slips , tries to climb on things but slides back down, but she never falls in the CN she seems most comfortable there.
One of the tumors are bigger, and when touched she squints.
She is stil running around the CN and the play area, still eats, etc.
I need to figure out how to get that pill into her more effectvley.
I am also bringing her pred up to 0.6 to see if this helps until her next dose of the cabergoline which is Sunday.
Some things have gotton better (listed above) : eyes are both the same size, no head bumping and a lot less nipping, weight gain.