Hannah - Cabergoline - RIP :'(

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jorats said:
Aww...what sweet Hannah pictures. I know it feels mean to give the med that way but it's necessary to make sure they get it all.

Where she is drooling alot I am afraid she is loosing some, although I do see her swallow ..is the drooling normal
I see improvments everyday!

We moved her pred down by 0.5 ..so now she is at 0.45 ..hopefully she keeps doing well, I'd like to get her to 0.3 if we can, but I wont push it.




I's a messy eater mom!


I's gets in my food and eats it!


Time to clean up!






I can even lift my tail when I run
She's looking great. It is so nice that although there isn't a cure for PT, there are medications available to provide palliative care to relieve the symptoms a little longer.
I see her swallow it tho. Im going to have to try and mix it with food. Although she must be getting some to be showing such good improvments.
Man this pill is SO hard to get into this girl!

I wasted a full pill so far :wallbang:

I have tried mixing them with EVERYTHING ...she eats her pred and pure baytril in everything with no problem. But as soon as I put the pill in it, she just looks at it and walks away ..she wont even try it.

I have tried esure, baby cereal, baby food, whip cream and her fav PB and apple sauce. She refuses to take it.

I have tried syringing it to her, and she spits it out :wallbang:

I manage to get more than half the dose in her ..I wish I could get more ..its an experiment each time.

She seems to be stable now. Since the Cabergoline she has not gone downhill, she has improved.

Now she seems to be stable with not going down or up.

Her weight is always between 235 - 240 (she will not stay still for a accuate reading)
Her activity level is still high.
She is able to sit and clean.
She cannot get a good grip on food, but she tries her hardest.
Her perception is alot better but sometimes she slips and fall ..only when on the couch, not in her cage.
She is able to get around the double CN fine with her 8 brothers and sisters.
Her eyes are both even now.
She still nips but not has much.
No more head bumping.
She tries to climb up on the back of the couch but never quite makes it.

All and all she is doing good.

Today is Day 16 since I fist noticed her PT symptoms. ad 10 days since her fist dose of the Cabergoline, 4 doses so far!

I still feed her lab block dust mixed with cold water, olive oil and bananna baby cereal 4 times a day.
The Cabergoline seems to be doing wonders with the PT but not so much with the mammary tumors ..not yet anyways. One of the mammary tumors is the same size or smaller, but the other one is bigger. She still poops and pees normal + everything else inn the above post.

If only I could figure a way to get every single bit of the cabgergoline in her.
Very discouraged.

Hannah can sit to clean, cleans her face, etc but there is no attempt at all to hold her food, she just eats it off the ground.
She can go to the end of the couch without falling, but she tries to jump off the couch and slips , tries to climb on things but slides back down, but she never falls in the CN she seems most comfortable there.
One of the tumors are bigger, and when touched she squints.
She is stil running around the CN and the play area, still eats, etc.

I need to figure out how to get that pill into her more effectvley.

I am also bringing her pred up to 0.6 to see if this helps until her next dose of the cabergoline which is Sunday.

Some things have gotton better (listed above) : eyes are both the same size, no head bumping and a lot less nipping, weight gain.
I can't remember what thread it was in but someone (Shelagh or Jo I think) posted their method for forcing meds. It involved getting the syringe far enough in the side of their mouth that that rat can't spit the meds back out.
smilez_n_hugs said:
I can't remember what thread it was in but someone (Shelagh or Jo I think) posted their method for forcing meds. It involved getting the syringe far enough in the side of their mouth that that rat can't spit the meds back out.

I'll have to look for it, if you do find it before me, please post the link!

Pitluvs: Tried that :( ..the pills must tast horrible ..I thought baytril did but apprently not because she laps that right up!

Shes not doing bad, just not as good as I hope and its because I cant get the cabergoline full dose in her.

Edit: Foud the Link Smilez, I'm posting it here so I can find it for sunday! viewtopic.php?f=21&t=23754
jorats said:
Lets give it more time before we get discouraged.

I know I know ..she has only had 4 doses, I excpet to much way to fast!

Im staying strong for my gal!

I will try syringing the meds the way Spz outlined in the thread posted above.

I think if I am able to get the meds in her fully she will be okay!
Just remember Karma. You have done so much. Miracles do find their way back to the one that has given so much without fail :cuddle:

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