She's gone :sad3:
Last night she was fine, this morining she was unable to clean with her paws and she was walking low to the ground, came home at 3 she was not moving a whole lot, eyes chaulked with porph, took her up, mixed up some food, put it in front of her on a spoon, and she started shaking and boggling, hiting the air with her paws, for a few seconds, after that she had no movement in any of her paws, she could only move on her belly, we rushed to the vet, she just layed in my arms, we put her on the exam table for Dr. D. to see, he said right away ..did she take a seziure ..both us and our vet decided this was time, we could have waited to see if she got better, but I never wanted to put her through it.
The last thing my vet said to me was: "these animals are the luckist animals I have ever seen, they could not ask for a better home".
Her next pill was due tomorrow, I never started the full pill yet.
Rest In Peace Girly, you fought a good fight. No more forcing yucky pills into you. Run free with Momma, Tucker, Hunter, Sophie, Bruno & Alice :heart:
Today was day 22 since the first sign of PT, she made it further than Momma and Sophie who had 5 days

I'll put a memorial up later, right now I'm not up to it </3