Well they were rescued but I have only had them maybe 6 months?? I don't have the bottles anymore so I don't know :-(
My vet told me they don't carry liquid zithro?? (Or maybe it was something else...)
I plan on calling them in the AM when they open. It's just frustrating. They are always sick!
It's hard for anyone to keep track of my babies, I have 12 lol (maybe more with my baby girl preggers)
oh ok! with the zithro, even if they dont carry a liquid, most pills can be crushed and mixed with water to make a suspension that you can give to your rats
I know a lot of ppl here have used zithro and doxy combo, maybe PM Jorats for info on how its mixed etc?
you need to keep the boys on the meds for a good 3 weeks and at high enough doses.
so whatever you end up getting from the vet, post here with the concentration and dosage and one of the med experts can tell you if the dose is high enough.
I never remember and have to look it up each time a rat gets sick and then have ppl help me with the dosing *blush* I have major math anxiety.
you can also check the Rat Guide for a list of meds used and which combos work best
and this too:
Some rats end up needing meds basically for life, you can do pulse dosing where they are on the meds, then off for a while and then back on, and I think you can even keep them on meds for the rest of their life if need be.
I think Jorats had a rat who had pulmonary abscesses that was on meds his whole life, and when he died the abscesses were gone! he died of a tiny brain tumor if I recall correctly.
um I was just looking up the length of gestation for rats, it seems it's only about 21 days or so?!?! so she could be having babies any time now, if she is indeed pregnant...?
Never dealt with pregnancy myself so hopefully others who have will come along soon