So I figured I would keep to this thread. I guess I have missed it.
I am introducing Horatio and Mr lefty to the dopey s group. 8 boys. These guys are a bit of squabblers but never has been anything major.
I tried those two with all 8. It was bit much for the two boys

Yeah I know. Mr. Lefty got one of the boys but nothing major, but it was puncture wounds so I have a bit of a fear with him now.
I have been letting these two out on the common area, I moved their cage right next to the boys so they are not as shell shocked as they were. Now they can meet with with out a major puff ball fest happening. I have been doing little meetings with one or two rats. These two are more fear based biters. The hairless guy hasnt bit, but the beige hooded has (mr. Lefty Testy)
Today i did a play pen, my ghetto fabulous one with Edgar and Eli. These two boys are generally the sweetest boys, I was hoping it would shine through with the intros. which it did.
Horatio does not like Edgar smelling him
Little puffy, look at horatios neck, it was literally tense!
I decided to sit in the pen for a bit with them, Mr. Lefty generally avoids me most of the time. Not today
This is Horatio's look through the whole thing, sitting in the corner making himself as small as he can lol
I let them meet for around 10 minutes. Right now I have switched cages on them. So I am sure have them all types of angry.
the two boys are sticking to one shelf in the fn. So i just blocked off the bottom half and put them in the top only. They are not happy about it at all.
I could tell when I was with them, the attitude was better for Mr. Lefty. I will probably keep to staying in there for a bit during intros.
Anything else I can do or try? I am worried about slapping 8 rats at them at once.
Mr. Lefty will be neutered on the 29th, he will also have a real name then, I told them at the clinic they could name him