Intro number two take 5000 with nutty Templeton.
I am unsure if I see a difference with him yet. He still nips the boys but he used to chase dopey all over but he has an obvious hate for him. So far the only one he is biting is the hairless. I am telling you he hates naked rats.
These remind me of intros with toby it makes me miss him this week. Horatio freezes just like toby did.
I have them on the common area, no cage a few hidey houses.
Templeton is still king of the mountain!
In all it is looking ok, no major bites, just nips. Templeton has learned when I say his name, he stops. I am starting to think they listen better than my dogs do.
Horatio is humping the girls today, first time for that. It was Lefty who was but he is now without his man-berries so I think he will adjust better now. Templeton was a bit grumpy today so it didnt last long but yesterday I had them out for at least an hour with out major fights. Ludo was a bit cocky too. But who knows if his were removed as well or if she forgot one of his too.
The girls are ok they give them attitude when they need to but not horribly bad i guess as much as expected. I have seen some of them grooming them so I think we might be in the right direction finally. A possible successful intro with the infamous Templeton?
I am now down to 3 cages, Once i get these two in a group i can get rid of the small one. May even run it over with my truck

I was at 5 with the girls being sick that was a bit much for me to clean..