Templeton took a few days, to become a jerk to the boys. So he is now out of the cage with his brother loki.
after some brain storming, we are now going to introduce Loki and Templeton to the girls.
When they are side by side, they spend the time sniffing each other like crazy, no attitudes show. They also sleep on the side of the cages closest to each other.
I let them meet outside yesterday. Mally (the small blue girl) is reunited with her brothers for the first time.
Today I gave them a plate of banana's and put them on our usual table that we do intro's on. These are way different from male/male intros.
I see the girls going to the boys and getting on their side. the boys stand on them, then will try and groom them a bit. it is odd but you can see how gentle the boys are with the girls. they move up to them slowly, like they dont want to scare them. I gave them about 30 minutes together, then I put the boys in the girls cage, and I put the girls in the boys cage for a little bit.
Mally was a tad bit bitey, but she is always the problem girl so i kinda figured her or pika would be an issue.
Pika takes them ok, she was pinned a few times by the boys. All they do is sniff crotches it is unreal LOL. you can see them doing the heat dance, the boys are a little unsure what to do i think lol.
These are totally different from what i am used to. I am unsure what to look for, what the reason is behind their actions, i dont know the mating rituals of rats.
The other cage, has a group of 8 rats. Toby, dopey, Edgar, Bart, Eli, Finley, and I left ludo and al with them. dopey has been scared for a few days, which prompted this change, I guess he is babied LOL. the 3 hairless guys did not take to templeton being in there at all. The change for them was instant. Dopey runs around grooming rats, Playing and looking more confident. The night with them was totally quiet, ludo and al sleep with the other rats in the group. I think after a few days it will level out a bit and they will be fine. Right now you can tell they are trying to find their role in the cage. I am unsure if toby is alpha or dopey, but they are being good regardless, not biting to be mean.
hopefully I will have a mixed group of 7 rats, and an all male group of 8. it was hard breaking ludo and al up from Templeton and loki, but they now play more, i think templeton really inhibited their ability to play like they should. They are different now, happy it seems.
Hopefully this will calm the urge of the girls wanting the boys, since they will have two. The urge for templeton to be at the girls, since that seems to be a driving factor in him.
my 4 foot super pet cage, is great. It reduces, with a little help from me and a pair of pliers to a grand manageable sized 2ish foot cage to house 2 rats in