Well I had them in violets newly cleaned cage for maybe 5 minutes, wasn't a constant fight, maybe... 8 in the whole time, it would have went better had cleo not tried to shove herself through the bars of the cage, or the levels... I was thinking of putting violet in CLEOS newly cleaned cage, cleo can't escape, and there are 4 vertical feet to run.. what do you think?
Edit: Definitely works better in Cleos cage. What happens in fights, im not sure who starts it, usually cleo comes close-ish to violet to smell or see if it's safe, and violet will run to her all angry like, violet will do the sideways thing at Cleo, and cleo will be on hind legs trying to protect herself with her paws usually on violet, and her teeth barred. Thats always the kind of fighting they do. Violet out of the blue goes after cleo like this too, like Cleo was in her 'house', trying to stay safe from violet, and violet goes over there and bullies her. (They're both in their respective cages now, Violets toenail re-ripped a little)