Tanner and his internal mass - RIP my sweet boy

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Oh God I am so heart broken reading this thread : ( I am so sorry the news is bad. It is terrible when you find otu there is nothing left you can do. i jsut wish you an Tanner alot of love and cuddles between now and when he is ready.
Sadly I agree if there's two you don't want to mess with it. Who knows what is going on in there right now. I think its best to let him enjoy his days pain-free. I am so very very sorry :(
Tanner's buldging abcess started forming a scab yesterday. I have been using warm compresses a few times yesterday evening and again this morning, but the abcess still hasn't burst. To be honest, I cannot wait for it to pop as Tanner's little penis is being pushed to the side and I really am worried he won't be able to pee soon, if not already. I am hoping to be rid of all that extra unnecessary pression tonight, so he can get some relief and rest more comfortably.

He is being such a little trooper in this whole ordeal... poor baby. :sad3:

So Victoria might have to care for a burst abcess while ratsitting next week... I'm sorry Vic...
After compressing the abcess a few times on Thursday night, Friday morning and Friday night with no success, I decided to take Tanner to the vet to have it cut open. I was happy that the appointment was with Dr Saulnier, who has had her hands on on his case since his operation. After she left with him, we waited for what seemed like eternity and then, a more relaxed, almost smiling Dr Saulnier came back telling us that not only did she empty the top abcess, but she has also cut opened the one deep inside his abdomen and removed LOTS of pus from that one as well. All in all, she estimated the total amount of pus she removed to... 20 to 25 ccs! :shock:

Tanner does look better, but he still prefers being alone for now. He finally can sleep on his belly again and I think he got his best sleep in a long time. I now have to flush the abcess(es) twice a day with Baxedin, and hopefully this will give him more weeks, not only days, with us. Every little battle we win that gives us more time makes me so happy, especially that he seems willing to fight just as much as I am!
oh what great news! i've been following his story even though I don't post and I'm all choked up now. what a relief!
so great that he can finally sleep on his belly

ack what a lot of pus eh? eww :sick2:
so nice you didn't have to see it/smell it! :nod:
He was quiet on Saturday, looking like he was in some pain, but much better on Sunday! And from the videos Victoria posted from introduction yesterday (she is currently ratsitting for me), he looks great! He's practically walking normally! He is in great shape, considering I had told the clinic Victoria had permission to have Tanner euthanized, if need be. Now this is not the picture anymore! :joy:
Got back from vacation on Monday - can't believe how much time flies while on vacations! I guess I was having fun! :giggle:

I thought I would take a couple of minutes to write an update on Tanner. He is doing good! The abcess closed within a week and by looking at my baby these last couple of days, it looks likes it's refilling (head red with porphy, sleeping on his side / back), but he is still happy, active and eager to get his medicine! I was telling him just yesterday how happy I was that he was still with us :heart: I hope he'll go a long way before there is nothing we can do no more...

My little boy is a fighter! Go Tanner go!
It was not a surgery per say... Tanner's second abcess (close to his penis) was huge and I couldn't get it to burst eventhough it was necrotized, so the vet put him under and opened and emptied it - she was able to reach and open the deeper abcess by his bladder, and emptied it as well. Sure am hoping she will be able to do it again if it gets to that!!!
This is a post I've been wanting to write for over 2 weeks now, but I wanted to be sure before I did...

TANNER IS CURED!!!! :joy: :joy: :joy:

For a while, I was seeing him happy as can be, and getting more and more playful with both his companions and us, but he was still lying on his side and back a lot and I didn't dare palpate his abdomen in case I would hurt him... but about 3 weeks ago, I decided to go for it - and no matter how deeply I felt him, no squeak, no mass, nothing! I was excited, but since I was not sure of what I was looking for to start with, and considering this was way to good to be true anyway, I wanted to have a vet check on him and confirm before I posted on here, which was done yesterday.

I took my newbies to be neutered and Chester for a check up, and brought Tanner just so this could be confirmed. Dr Saulnier, who saved him twice, was there, so she had the honors of feeling him first, and confirmed. Dr Beaulieu felt him too... and confirmed as well! I am so happy!!! This is exactly what Tanner deserves, not those masses that were about to kill this sweet, happy boy! Dr Saulnier was so happy that she stole Tanner from me to get a picture :giggle: If I get her permission, I will post it on here, so you can meet the young, overly talented surgeon that saved my boy's life not once, but twice.

Great One Above - THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU !!!!! :bow:

Tanner is so happy now, back to his baby popcorning self. Now he's the one jumping on others to play-groom. He runs to me for medication, and I get happy licks from scritches... I call him my miracle rat. Great lesson learned here - never give up fighting, you might be oh so pleasantly surprised in the end! :dance:

Meagan - A big thank you to you too! You helped raised high spirited babies that love life so much they will fight no matter how hard to stick with us. Not sure he would have gone so far if he hadn't had such a good start in life! :hugs:

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