Shade - Looks like PT...sigh :/ Now Includes Necro Pics

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If Dr. Munn ever gets tired of practicing veterinary medicine in Canada, he's more than welcome to move here. Otherwise I might need to move up there. What a fabulous vet you have!

I'm glad Shade is responding to the bromo :thumbup:
I don't get that many chances to see or talk to Dr Munn. I mostly drop off my ratlets in the morning for euthansia's, procedures and exams. Saturday would usually be the only time I am like any other owner and get a regular appointment. then Dr Munn and I talk about everything, its awesome! The best part is the shine in his eyes as he's telling me something new he wants to try or has learned, its like a small kid who has been handed candy and it is incredibly refreshing and reassuring that he truly does love our animals, and wants to do the best at making treatment better and more affordable. :heart:

OK 1 ml every 3 days...30 mls would be 3 paid a bit over what Dr. Munn was getting quoted. Lets hope he figures out something so we can try the cabergoline ourselves.
Ya hope that works out for you. Frankly I have some baytril that was meant for Dax in the past and I was treating him for spikes of a URI, along with Nes, and since I still have plenty of it left over I noticed Gizmo and Gyro have spiked it up as well so im using that on them. Baytril really is great like ya'll say, 3 days after giving it to both Gizmo and Gyro and they stopped sneezing, no more running noses, but for safety im keeping them on that for about 2 months. I wanna get rid of this constant URI curse that seems to be following my boys lately.
Better and better, you'd never know she had PT...she's all herself again. NO idea on the grasping abilities as she's much too busy to try to eat puffs...she grabs them just fine but drops and forgets them LOL



Good news are piling up! So nice to see them respond so well to meds when they had such a dreaded issue as PT! Gives me hope! I'm so happy for the both of you! :hugs:
Shade is doing great but her chest tumour is growing fast and big...she's still dealing really well though.

Napping with her lab block. (Jo, note the hammock, they are being happily used. :cuddle: )



Just reaffirming it is Her lab block...look at those eyes...definitely no PT girl in there right now :thumbup:

Oh my! I was looking at Shade's pictures and saw Cabotine... 2 beautiful black berks doing good despite PT and loving their food... :heart:
Well I finally got my regression yesterday. Shade was floppy and falling over and unable to use her front paws reallywell...not a complete failure just not great. BUT I also found when I was rubbing her ears, that they sounded liquid-y, so I stuck a q-tip gently inside and yep...her inner ear infection has returned. I think that is what is causing a lot of these wobbly symptoms, because her eyes are still very bright and they are often the first things to "go". Shade got a shot of dex to hold her, and help the inflammation in her inner ear, antibiotics and her first dose of bromo in a week.





Falling over while grooming, it was a slow fall LOL

and then the rest of the time she is very coordinated, as long as she has pillows to lean on

After awhile she gave up and asked to cuddle with me


:heart: :heart:

Today she's already a lot better :thumbup:
She's beautiful! :heart: So glad that she is responding to the meds so fast. Poor love has a lot going on, but her eyes are bright and her coat is so thick and shiny.
As we know Shade is now gone but I want to share her last night with you as a preliminary to seeing her necropsy photos (IF you have a strong stomach).

Shade was unable to stand on her own...she was crawling on her belly and first I thought it was the PT,but her eyes were very bright, and she was very aware but she seemed to be in a lot of pain. I thought maybe it was her inner ear infection, but that didn't feel right either. I gave her a shot of dexamethasone which did very little although she slept quietly snugged up beside me all night. No miracle in the morning, so I gave her metacam which did seem to help. She was floppy, still bright (and as we know PT makes those eyes dull) and I decided that was more struggle for my gal. Her tumour was huge and it was only a matter of time, so I was just going to let her go peacefully. A VERY hard day for me.

Sooo I talked to Dr Munn and saw the necro pics on his nice big new camera he was learning how to use (he was apologixing up and down on some of the pics being blurry). It seems Miss Shade had TOO much going on in her body. She had an abnormally coloured liver. She had huge ovarian cysts which Dr Munn said are often found in guineapigs but not so much in rats. She had an adrenal tumour that also Dr Munn had never seen in a rat. Unfortunately he was so distracted by these unexpected findings that he forgot to check for her PT :laugh4: So he had to defrost her to finish it up the necropsy. Her PT was large but not insanely and personally I do not think it was the cause of the decline she went through so quickly. I think it was the ovarian cysts myself. But I'll let you be the judge. ALL pics are under a spoiler for the weak stomach-ed.

[spoil:3i1kac8t]Pituitary tumour (the colour is off probably because of the freezing)


Abnormally coloured liver


Normal adrenal gland (Dr Munn was pointing to it on a large camera screen so I could be wrong about the size of it)


Adrenal tumour about 10 times the size


and what I think made Shade show those final symptoms...the ovarian cysts (are the women seeing this wincing now?)


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