Quilt fell off my shoulder. 1/19-Suddenly gone. RIP.

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Yeah, he's waiting on his next dose of Metacam. He still looks like "life sucks, go away" and is limping pretty good. Hoping his lungs will clear up and he doesn't show any signs of a neurological issue as he clears up.

For the record, I'm 6'3" so he fell a good 5 plus feet and landed head and paws first.
OK when he feels better, can you kiss that huge belly for me?

He looks good for such a traumatic event. How much does he weigh and how much metacam are you giving?
MomRat said:
1lb. 9 oz, or 708g. I think. Preloaded metacam syringes look to be just over .3ml, once daily.(yesterday, today, and tomorrow)

if you think its not doing enough to help his pain and swelling you can give him a little more. Fairly recently the ratguide.com has upped its dosage range on metacam. The labs had been using this range for a long time now.

It used to be .2-.4 mg/kg and is now .5-2 mg/kg...your vet is getting you to give .65 mg/kg...If he was mine I would up it to 1 mg/kg and he would get up to .47 cc per day. Just to get him over the worst of it. Even for just one day. But you have preloaded not a bottle, so its sadly moot.
Time for an update.

Quilt is still healing up. He's walking around again, although it looks like his front paws are still bothering him some. His mental state seems to be clearing up slowly, but he is still a little "off".

The less good is we're headed back to the vet. We had noticed he was not eating much and figured his face and front paws were still probably rather sore, so we have been soaking crushed lab block for him as he has been eating that well. We also noticed he seemed very hungry every time we pull him out to feed him, so we finally pried apart his mouth and found a knocked out of place front tooth. No wonder he can't eat! Off to the vet for a trim and to hoping that they will re-grow correctly and haven't been permanently knocked askew.
awww, poor guy :( Good thing he has such loving mummy and daddy to take care of him.
Additional update: our regular vet is out of the office today and tomorrow, but the front desk says they do have another vet who is experienced in small animals. This is our first experience with any kind of malocclusion, is there anything we need to ask about/be sure they do for the trim? I'm assuming our only hope is a tooth trim, from what I've read on here in the past, but with this having been knocked backwards without a break, I'm a little concerned for the results being a permanent fix... It's just one of the top teeth, pointed back towards his throat, and the lower one that matches it is just starting to be longer than the other lower.
A teeth trimming is pretty standard, if a vet can do a rabbit, they can pretty much do rats as well. If the vet suggest trimming to the gum line, don't be alarmed, it might even be a good idea since this was done due to injury and cutting as far back as the gum line might allow the teeth to grow back in normal.
If the vet does a hard trim back, you'll need to continue with mushy foods.
Back from the vet.

Quilt has lost one of his upper teeth entirely. Actually, it fell out in the vet cage on the way there.

...Well then. So the vet trimmed his lower teeth to even them out and had us start him on 10 days of Baytril "Just in case" since he has on open wound in his mouth now.

We'll be watching him to see if or how the missing tooth grows back. Unfortunately for Quilt, he'll probably have to have his lowers evened a time or three while it is hopefully returning.
I would check the teeth every 3 days but I'm guessing that the top will start soon enough and he'll start grinding down again, you might need another trim in a week or so.

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