So, apparently obesity saves lives. Dr. Kuhnle says Quilt would be a lot worse off if he weren't so pudgy, his fat making his fall rather like landing "on a bag of jello." His face is still pretty bruised(he has a fat lip) but already healing/less split than last night. No dead spaces in the lungs, there are good lung sounds throughout. No breaks, probably two sprained front paws(which, on top of beginning HED is making walking a pain) and heavy shock last night(which can kill on its own), which we treated acceptably(keep warm and hydrated). Eyes are equally dilated, so no concussion(wish we had known to check for that last night, could have gone to sleep sooner). 3 days of metacam for pain relief and anti-inflammatory(in her words, metacam is a blood thinner but not dangerously so, seeing as how they administer it immediately following most surgeries), and hope any fluids/blood in his lungs reabsorbs quickly(lasix not being a good treatment for this in her opinion).