Quilt fell off my shoulder. 1/19-Suddenly gone. RIP.

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DadRat said:
Think it was a stroke. He was just limp. His breathing got gaspy, he had a small seizure, and then he was gone. He was curled up on my chest getting petted by MomRat and myself.

It was quick. Maybe an hour from when we noticed something was wrong to when he stopped breathing. We let his cage mates see him for a little bit then put them back in the cage.

Man...Quilt was supposed to teach the girls we're getting Monday about being cuddley goofballs.

I'm really sorry. Unfortunately this is exactly what happened to ours that fell. A couple of weeks after the fall the damage internally was too severe.
Oh I was saddened to come across this posting when it looked like Quilt had recovered so well. I'm glad that you were able to be with him to comfort him last night, though. :hugs:
I am so sorry. It was extra difficult because he had been getting better and everyone's hopes were up. At least he was with you for comfort at the end, and at least it was fast.

((hugs)) to you both.
:hugs: :hugs:
What a little trooper he was. So sorry for your loss . . . now he is running around, jumping and playing with no pain. You will get to cuddle again someday when you meet him at the bridge :heart:

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