Peaches Babies - Separating Question!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2014
Her story started here:

Little Peach had 12 babies last night. Her and her babies are doing great so far. This is a photo I snapped of four of the little ones when I found them this morning...

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Oh they look cute already!!! Loved looking in on little baby hedgehogs when they were old enough (2 weeks) anytime before that momma had a possibility of eating them :( At 2 weeks they looked like cute little aliens.
Wish you were closer, I'd steal two little boys or girls in a heartbeat (wanting to expand already!)

Good luck on Peaches' babies! I'm glad things went well and you didn't have to deal with a possible complication! Lucky babes to find such a lovely home, and these 12 babies are lucky to be in your hands!
Thank you. I'm trying!

Update at 10:30pm AST - All still look great and have great milk bellies. I've been handling them and Peach doesn't seem to mind at all (as long as she gets her treats in return!) She's being a great mama to the little uns.

Here are some more photos:


Beautiful mama wouldn't sit still. She's a very busy rattie. ;)

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What a beautiful Mama and her babies are of course precious as can be! (what ratty bubs aren't precious?) Thanks for posting the pics and so glad Mom and babies are doing well! :baby:
Update July 22 3:05pm AST: Babies are still doing very well. All 12 seem to be happy, healthy and accounted for.

Here are some better pictures of mama during the cage cleaning time. She got to run around the CN for a few minutes:


Bug me tonight for pics on how-to sex them. I am on a cell right now. CongRATS on your wee family <3

That would be very helpful thank you! I googled it and it said on newborns you can tell by the distance between the anus and the urethra. Is that accurate?
Hi! Just catching your post on Peach. I'm glad she had her babies OK. Rats make the best moms!

That is a good way to sex the babies, but it is best if there are two sexes and then you compare each baby against another and you end up with two groups with different spacing. It can be confusing if there is only one sex though! LOL. Keep an eye out for nipples. Boy rats do not have nipples (unlike a lot of other animals.)
That would be very helpful thank you! I googled it and it said on newborns you can tell by the distance between the anus and the urethra. Is that accurate?

Yes :)

and as Joanne said, around 10 days or so, you will see that the baby girls have 12 nipples while baby boys just have a belly button.

Later, between 3 and 4 weeks, baby boys will drop their testicles (unless there is a problem, undescended testicles do happen on rare occasions).

This may be of interest:
Update July 23 5:41 AST:

Babies are three days old and all are still doing great. Attempted to sex them (I think I did pretty good) and right now it appears to be 5 boys and 7 girls.

I have some new photos to put up a little later on as well!
All doing wonderfully. They are four days old.

I am hoping to keep the boys and find homes for the baby girls. If anyone in NS are close by and are looking to expand your rattie family in about four weeks let me know. We will be in the Halifax area until the 30th of August and then driving to Antigonish for the school year.

I love that their colors are starting to come in! I cant wait until they get their fuzz!
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All doing wonderfully. They are four days old.

I am hoping to keep the boys and find homes for the baby girls. If anyone in NS are close by and are looking to expand your rattie family in about four weeks let me know.

btw, baby boys are separated from mom and sisters at 5 weeks.
baby girls stay with mom until at least 6 weeks old and never need to be separated.

very sweet babies :)
Oooh, I loves baby ratties! Look at those little tiny footies and wee tails and little folded back ears, like baby tulips! I am gushing big time, I know, but yowsa, I want to hold them all so bad. So precious!
Guys I am so in love with these babies. It's amazing how they can steal your whole heart!

The adorable baby boys:


The sweet baby girls:


We have six boys and six girls. All beautiful and healthy.
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