Oreo's Inguinal Tumor- Open and Infected?

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The last thing I want to do is keep her in this cone, trust me!

She just got the staples put in Tuesday, after they took out the stitches she had a reaction too. Maybe I will take the cone off later this week and hope for the best....

No updates in two days :sad4: hope she is alright!

Sorry guys, everything is fine! Oreo is healing great, the wound looks so much better. I'm including a video and two pictures, one from today and the one from two weeks ago-you can really see the improvement!

This damn cone is posing another issue. I that Oreo is hurting her tail by pressing the plastic into it. She has some straight cuts on her tail, small ones, and a rather big injury at the end that I mistook for dirt for a week now. The last inch or so of her tail is completely black and slightly squishy, like it is rotting off or something. It doesn't seem to hurt her at all and it isn't like an open injury or a degloving, it is just so bizarre!!!!


She shouldnt still be wearing that cone. that is far to long. I had tons of tumors off and outside of PICA behavior they were only wrapped for a night. I would get that cone off of her so she can start to clean it up. we never had stitches removed from rats it was known they would do it on their own LOL so she is safe to remove that cone her incision is very healed by now. I had 3 girls spayed last friday and their incisions are healed already. Let the girl breath and take the cone of shame off of her.
Ugh they used staples on her? When are they planning on removing them? Stitches are far more acceptable than staples are.....
Ugh they used staples on her? When are they planning on removing them? Stitches are far more acceptable than staples are.....

she had a reaction to the stitches so that's why they put in staples

I had a girl with a mammary tumor removed who got staples, she was never in a cone and she removed most of the staples herself, but it wasn't a problem

Aida, I really think she needs that cone to come off. The site looks good, it's healing well. she should be allowed to clean it, there is very very VERY little chance she can hurt it at all at this stage of healing.

Very concerned about her tail, can you get photos of that?
I think I would take it off too and let her clean the site. Clark had to have his opened up again today and they just left it open (2 openings) and he doesn't have a cone.
Was she open? why would they put staples in so long after the first surgery. In the future I would urge towards glue. This is so much more work than it should be for you. Staples are a bad idea because they will rip themselves up pulling those out. With stitches she would just chew them out. With that infections I dont think it is a good idea for them to seal her back up to begin with.
Was she open? why would they put staples in so long after the first surgery. In the future I would urge towards glue. This is so much more work than it should be for you. Staples are a bad idea because they will rip themselves up pulling those out. With stitches she would just chew them out. With that infections I dont think it is a good idea for them to seal her back up to begin with.

She had the same infection Clark did - she had an allergic reaction to the stitches and they had to open her open and clean out all the necrotic tissue that is when they staples her shut.
Sometimes the fix is worse than the problem. Chances are it is not from the reaction to the stitches but the simple fact she cannot clean it. She would take that infection and scab off of there. They stapled her up and you can see the infection on it. I would get those staples out, remove that cone, put her on abs and let her take care of it. I have had rats cut open from armpit to groin and not seen issues like this except for one time. At this point I would be question why they closed up an infected wound. A girl had a spay on here, their vet closed up the wound and she got sepsis from it and died. You dont typically close up infected wounds so the infection can escape. It was not wise to use staples on her either those are horrible. What if she rips them out? that will be like pulling an piercing out. Just because a vet thinks something is a good idea does not mean you have to allow it. You are paying that bill and they should respect the pet owners wishes. If not I would find another vet. I would staple my vets mouth shut if he even tried to place those in a rat that is only prolonging the problems.
Sometimes the fix is worse than the problem. Chances are it is not from the reaction to the stitches but the simple fact she cannot clean it. She would take that infection and scab off of there. They stapled her up and you can see the infection on it. I would get those staples out, remove that cone, put her on abs and let her take care of it. I have had rats cut open from armpit to groin and not seen issues like this except for one time. At this point I would be question why they closed up an infected wound. A girl had a spay on here, their vet closed up the wound and she got sepsis from it and died. You dont typically close up infected wounds so the infection can escape. It was not wise to use staples on her either those are horrible. What if she rips them out? that will be like pulling an piercing out. Just because a vet thinks something is a good idea does not mean you have to allow it. You are paying that bill and they should respect the pet owners wishes. If not I would find another vet. I would staple my vets mouth shut if he even tried to place those in a rat that is only prolonging the problems.

Good point, Clark's was left open yesterday and last week
Well, we've been telling Aida to ask her vet, ask her vet, and it can be extremely confusing when a vet gets so much right,
but still does things that may be appropriate for other animals but do not work out that well for rats.

The vet was able to remove the tumor and make a new urethra for this girl, and give Oreo a longer life-
I imagine it's kinda hard to go in and question her aftercare, you know?
and esp if you don't have the experience that so many of us here do, how do you know who is correct, the vet or other rat "peeps"?

Aida, how is she doing today? any news about her tail?
This is so scary. I was so happy with how well it has healed on the sides. I am packing it full of antibiotic every day, and the infection seemed to have been gone from most of the wound, or the wound mostly healed. The vet only stapled the sides of the wound, she never shut the whole thing. She cleaned out the dead, infected tissue, and then put a few staples in each side to, I'm guessing, keep the skin a bit closer together so that it would grow together. She was also put on baytril and more metacam, and I put neosporin in the wound daily.

Should I just take off teh cone and let her rip out the rest of the staples? I'm scared she will rip the wound back open, and we will be at square one again, with more staples or stitches or god knows what and another two weeks in the cone. We're going back in for a check up on Friday, by the way.

Edit: JUST saw your post Petunia. You're right, it is hard to question my vet, especially considering that she did such a difficult surgery, and that she has been so generous and helpful with all of my rats. I don't think this is a matter of her not knowing what she is doing, I think it is just a matter of varying methods or practices, and I don't want to get on anybody's bad side here or there.

I can just take Oreo out of the cone and let her do what she wants, let her take out the staples and clean it, and then on Friday tell the vet she somehow figured out a way to keep getting out of it, or got out of it at night or something. But if Oreo makes the wound thirty times worse and the vet wants to put back in more staples, what am I supposed to do? Like I said, she is allergic or something to the stitches, and it got infected, so the staples were only placed on the outer edges of the wound-- the central, biggest, infected part was left open as you can see in the picture, and teh infection is still there. However, it has no smell, is getting better not worse, and some of that yellow may be the neosporin-- it is hard to tell. It is just hard, seeing progress with this and then finding out it isn't the right way to go, or that it shut in my rat's infection and might result in her dying from sepsis.

Petunia, Oreo was doing good last night, minus the tail thing which we will be getting checked out Friday. I'll be home in about an hour to check on her again.
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I can only tell you what I would do, and this is based off your photos/video, which are hard to see,
plus the length of time since surgery,
and my limited experience with rat surgery AND from what I have learned from other experiences with rat surgeries, as posted here by so many of our members:

I would take the cone off at this point. I think the risk of her re opening the site is very low.
I would not put on any more topical antibiotic, those are more likely to seal infection in then keep them out.
I would let her clean herself even if she does mess with the staples.

can you tell us more about her tail?
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If the tip of the tail is going black and spongy, that is not a good thing. One of my nakies got that when he had really badly infected abdominal abscesses... It means the tail is dying. I would not wait until Friday to have it looked at.
Aida, it's very hard for us, not being there to see your Oreo in person and see how things really look-
any chance you can get a better quality photo?

You don't have to lie to your vet, you can actually just call the vet and say, hey, I'm concerned that the ointment might be sealing infection in, what do you think about stopping it and giving her an oral antibiotic (if she's not on one already, sorry I've forgotten)

Please do tell them about the tail and get a photo if you can.

Vets are used to dealing with cat and dog surgeries, and in cats esp, cats have a TON of bad bacteria in their mouths, dogs too I believe,
and allowing a cat or dog to lick a wound is not good

it's very different for rats, they dont' have the bacteria in their mouths like cats do, and they often can clean their wounds themselves so much better than we can, even

I know its' hard to go against your vet, but in this case, it really appears that your vet does not have a lot of experience with rats and what works for them for surgical after care

maybe ask if they'd be willing to consult with a vet who does a LOT Of surgeries on rats to find out what the best after care is?

I don't know, but I am worried about your girl, as I know you are.

I forget how old you are, as well, but I think you mentioned you're in your teens? I want to tell you you're doing a fantastic job and at 58, I have a hard time questioning a vet or other doctor, so I understand.

this time it may be something you really need to do, ok?
I'm fine with questioning and asking her, I'm just not exactly OK with completely going against what she says. I'm calling the office now, and I'll gladly speak to them and mention all of this, but I just don't know what to do if I'm told one thing from a professional vet, and a completely opposite thing from people I know to have a lot of knowledge and experience.

I just called the office and sent pictures to the vet tech of the tail, hopefully they will look and call back soon. It looks bad, I'm so upset-- just when I thought things were going so well. I'm going to see what the vet says, and if that doesn't work quickly, I'm just going to do everything you guys say...

Pictures of the tail attached, it looks bad.


Can you attach those pictures to an email and send to the vet - that tail looks dead to me and if it is I you don't want it getting into her blood stream and her become septic. If that happens none of this will matter.

Sorry about all this.
I did call and sent pictures around 4, the vet tech replied and said she will make the doctor look at them and call me back before the day is over. Well, they close at 5:30 and it is nearly 7:30....
I did call and sent pictures around 4, the vet tech replied and said she will make the doctor look at them and call me back before the day is over. Well, they close at 5:30 and it is nearly 7:30....

Get her in ASAP Aida...forget waiting for some tech to forget to tell the vet to call you :(

When did the tail start to really change? Is it cold?

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