Oreo's Inguinal Tumor- Open and Infected?

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LOL dspch it's OK, I'm sure poor Oreo will laugh about it one day... hehe.

I can't wait until Saturday. Oreo is doing all right today, just cleaned out her cage, medicated her, and gave her some food. She's hid in a corner and is refusing to come out, I think I've angered her with all this pestering... :cry:
LOL dspch it's OK, I'm sure poor Oreo will laugh about it one day... hehe.

I can't wait until Saturday. Oreo is doing all right today, just cleaned out her cage, medicated her, and gave her some food. She's hid in a corner and is refusing to come out, I think I've angered her with all this pestering... :cry:

Maybe someone told her you put those picture on the shack and she's mad about it! "Mom, how could you? I look silly, not my best look":smiling:
Ugh, this morning it was looking worse. I can see pus, and it does smell, though I imagine that pee is contributing to the smell. This is suo frustrating, just as things go well, they drop down again. And through all of this my little girl is still happy and feisty and bright-eyed and eating, so why won't this just heal? Is there anything more the vet can do?
Ugh, this morning it was looking worse. I can see pus, and it does smell, though I imagine that pee is contributing to the smell. This is suo frustrating, just as things go well, they drop down again. And through all of this my little girl is still happy and feisty and bright-eyed and eating, so why won't this just heal? Is there anything more the vet can do?

Once that cone comes off, the skin layer should be the only thing open and then she can clean it properly...lets hope she can fix herself.
Oh your poor baby... I think Clark's is getting infected again too. Maybe they didn't get enough of the necrotic stuff out. Hopefully tomorrow they will fix her up again. Clark is all bright eye too.
Poor Oreo, I hate to see her all dirty. :(
It is impossible to let her clean herself, I tried once a day ago and it took me like 5 minutes to struggle the cone back on her, she is insane. I also can't touch her much, because she is much more squirmy and barely lets me pack neosporin on her wound from a gauze pad, so much wipe her stomach with a wet tissue. So she looks real grimy, not just from urine, but her fur is yucky and she has a lot of dried porphyrin around her nose. I really hope the vet has some good news or good ideas tomorrow, this just sucks so, so much. I'm not sure what else we can try really, except taking all of this off and hoping she won't destroy it on her own.

I hate to say it, but I'm getting so frustrated with my baby. Just plain angry that she can't just understand me and stop touching it for a week. I know it's a stupid thing to be annoyed over, because obviously they can't understand our language, but I'm just tearing my hair out over here. Also, she now has a habit of banging around the cage and tearing up everything in there JUST as I get in bed, being so so so loud.

I think I got that job, though. The interview manager didn't directly say "you got it!", but they said that next week the drug test will come back, and then they will call me and schedule orientation, and they did congratulate me-- so I'm guessing yes!
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So we have established you cannot soak her, but can you hold her under a faucet of warm water to wash her up and then dry her off? Anyone with opinions on that?
It would be the same concept. Honestly with infection I dont know that I would wait till saturday. One more day wont do much chances she sealed up pretty good days ago. I would worry about her getting at it now because of the infection. I would take a wet wash cloth no soaking but damp and warm and use it as a compress and then try to see if some of that dead skin would come off of it. I dont mess with messy stinks lOL I will pack them in the car and take them back to the vet so they can clean it.
Just got back from the vet!!!

Oreo is doing MUCH better, and the whole right side is pretty much healed. There is a bit of infection still there, but the neosporin is helping loads and it is all healing nicely. I am so happy, I was SO worried about my girl! :cuddle:
Next check up in a week...
No, it isn't healed yet, it is just healing well, and one side of it is almost done.

There is still a large hole in the middle that is still slightly infected. :disbelief:
I had a girl with staples and she did manage to remove a couple but it didn't slow down her healing at all, and she kept the area clean so it didn't get infected.
I almost wonder if she wouldn't be better of being allowed to clean it herself, so long as she doesn't chew her own skin and make herself bleed a lot.
It would reduce her stress, too.

I've only had two rats who had surgery and neither time did I force them to leave the site alone and both times they were ok, so I'm just confused about why she needs to be kept from it for so long, I guess

they don't usually groom themselves to the point of causing problems and even taking a few staples out shouldn't be a huge problem,
In my very limited experience (disclaimer!)
The last thing I want to do is keep her in this cone, trust me!

She just got the staples put in Tuesday, after they took out the stitches she had a reaction too. Maybe I will take the cone off later this week and hope for the best....

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