Poor Oreo, I hate to see her all dirty.

It is impossible to let her clean herself, I tried once a day ago and it took me like 5 minutes to struggle the cone back on her, she is insane. I also can't touch her much, because she is much more squirmy and barely lets me pack neosporin on her wound from a gauze pad, so much wipe her stomach with a wet tissue. So she looks real grimy, not just from urine, but her fur is yucky and she has a lot of dried porphyrin around her nose. I really hope the vet has some good news or good ideas tomorrow, this just sucks so, so much. I'm not sure what else we can try really, except taking all of this off and hoping she won't destroy it on her own.
I hate to say it, but I'm getting so frustrated with my baby. Just plain angry that she can't just understand me and stop touching it for a week. I know it's a stupid thing to be annoyed over, because obviously they can't understand our language, but I'm just tearing my hair out over here. Also, she now has a habit of banging around the cage and tearing up everything in there JUST as I get in bed, being so so so loud.
I think I got that job, though. The interview manager didn't directly say "you got it!", but they said that next week the drug test will come back, and then they will call me and schedule orientation, and they did congratulate me-- so I'm guessing yes!