Thanks everyone!...
Me and Fivela just got home after a long day, it was a big journey but i was able to find an exotic vet on a Sunday!...

It was his first time treating a rat, but he seemed to have his research done and frankly, we never had such an enthusiastic vet before.
Now that i'm not in shock anymore, maybe it's a good idea to go back and give you all the info.
Fivela is an intact male, exactly one year old (b-day was on the 14th). On the week before Christmas, he was attacked by his brother, same age, also an intact male.
He'll be neutered asap, we were having trouble finding a vet that would do for the regular price (every vet was charging me more than twice the price my friend usually pays for it) but this vet will do it for a reasonable price, and also seem well informed about it.
The tiny wound on Fivela's back have grown into something huge when he wouldn't stop scratching it. I took him to an exotic vet (not the same as today). We shaved the fur on his back, she put him on Baytril and i was cleaning his wounds daily with Betadine solved in water.
After a week, he's not better and we go back. Baytril again, and a brown pill wich i can't remember the name. Now besides Betadine on the wounds, i'm also using Omnimatrix, an ointment to help the healing. We started using a piece of bandage wrapped around his body just to distract him from chewing. It worked for a while, and he seemed better indeed, but then in just 5 minutes he would scratch everything and ruin all the healing process. This happened on and off for a month.
This is how the wounds looked at that point:
Two days ago, i let him go to the little boys cage (two six month intact males). Yesterday, at 4 am, i run to the cage after a squeaking sound, to find Fivela with no skin on the top of his head. I guess one of the boys may have done it, or then he really did it to himself, that we'll never know. Fivela seems to be in great pain, but after some baby food he'll even brox and boggle to me. This boy is my miracle.
(you may want to jump right here)
Today, we wen't to that emergency exotic vet. Here's what he did:
He checked for a fever but Fivela was fine. Then he gave him an injection to prevent any kind of parasites or worms, just in case.
He put Fivela on a light sleep, so we could clean his wounds and make little gloves around each paw. 10 minutes later his hands were free, but he still has the ones on his feet, and it's definitly helping prevent the scratching. We also got a stronger cortizon ointment, something not meant to help healing, but rather to fight any infection.
We're keeping the Baytril, but he also gave me a seringe (full of something which i forgot the name) to be given every day. Hopefully i'll learn how to do that.
We just got home, Fivela got his baby food and is now sleeping.
On a side note, yesterday me and my fiance broke up after a three year relationship. We stay friends, he even went to the vet with me and Fivela today, but it doens't make things easier. The fact that i'm still unemployed doesn't help pay the vet bills either... let's just hope everythind works out this time!...