My Tumour Boys...Percy, Twiggy & Toby update 7/24

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Gah! Twiggy! His buggy eyes steal my heart!

Leo is looking good too!!!!

I am bringing my diagram of the salivary glands with me tomorrow so you can have the copy :) My scanner is telling me I need to reinstall the drivers and I haven't a clue where the disc is.
Aaww... poor Twiggy!
I really hate tumors on necks.. ugh!!!

Your boy looks very good, give him a cheerios for me. ;)
Twiggy's tumour has a sore on it, so he is now going on metacam (he makes great "metacam face"). until he tells me its time or I have to make the decision for him. I have moved him into a smaller cage out in the livingroom so I can keep a better eye on him. It has his sputnik and hammock and that's all my lovely tilty boy needs, beyond a scurry around the livingroom of course :giggle:



And Leo will go in with Maya on Tuesday morning to be pts. He is still very bright, alert etc, but I cannot leave him like that. What if it ruptures inside of him?? :sad3:


It must be so hard to think of taking in Leo, but you are right to act before he hits a real crisis. Kisses to him and Maya, and I hope that Twiggy continues to do OK.
Leo wants to cuddle tonight, so I have put his cagemates back in their cage but he's still out with me. He curls up under the nice warm blankets on my belly, with little sojourns to the bowl for some strawberry Ensure. :heart:

What I thought was a seroma on Percy turned out to be the tumour returning unfortunately. :sad-p: Its small still, but he's also got another pea sized subcutaneous lump on his belly now. Poor Percy. He IS much happier than he was. :thumbup: Still frightened, especially when you try to grasp him in his cage, but he relaxes quickly in your arms now.



He even rests his foot on my hand and bruxxes
Pitluvs sent 2 hammocks just for Percy! He is in the pocket right now, comfy, and happy and warm. :) His eyes are very bright too. Thank you Pitluvs for this poor little man!!!


Twiggy's spirit is not diminishing, but the scabbing is becoming more pronounced. At least with these types of things you see it coming, and just need to watch for signs of discomfort/pain and when they are ready to leave.


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