My Rattie Adventure

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That's what I meant Sterling... Lice not fleas... We'll find out tomorrow... My poor itchy babies. Ain't slowing sweet pea down through
Lol no I didn't mean it like that!! Hahaha
Sorry I might have been a little distracted when I typed that... Right after I had gotten a parking ticket....
Poor Buck has scratched himself enough to scab in some places. Can't wait to get them to the vets tomorrow and start treatment.
So we have Revolution for both babies. And some sort of pink oral antibiotic for Buck to make sure his sores don't get infected.
Well that's good cuz so far he won't take them. I mixed them into some baby food and he wouldn't eat it... He either wasn't hungry or still mad at me for taking him to the vet and giving his rump a bath.
Buck and Sweet Pea were playing with my hand. Biting it gently while it "attacked" them. And then Sweet Pea dove on her back under the water bottle and started drinking from it and Buck came over and pinned her down with his paw and drank some water. I love my ratties!
Itchies are all gone!!! [emoji1]
Buck can be a little spaz sometimes. [emoji12] I loves them!
And here is a video of these two crazies getting their corn. [emoji39][emoji535]
Rofl she's like "gawd mom quit pointing me to the yellow blob thing. Can't you see I'm busy planning my escape? Oh...that smells good. Never mind I'll stay here furever!"
Oh so cute!! Sweet Pea saw Buck with the corn and finally thought, "Well, heck, if HE's having some, I wants it too!" So sweet! Ratties love their corn, don't they! :D
Thanks guys!! [emoji12]

So I went to pet Buck today when I got home from work and his fur was wet in one spot.... So either he likes leaning against the water bottle..... Or..... Sweet Pea likes peeing on him....
Drilled a hole through the cob of a frozen quarter cob of corn. And hung it just in reach of the ratties if they stood on their hind legs. It took them about 5-10 minutes to get it down. Coulda lasted longer if I used thicker string or hung it a little higher. But it was stimulating for them and I got a kick outta watching them try to get it down. [emoji1]
My biggest concern is that a few months ago my plants got fertilized.... I don't know if the chemicals are still in the soil but I don't want her to be the one that finds that out...
Wish my room was a bit bigger to allow for more play room space.... Could put in a container for her to dig in....
Happy Rats!!
Leftovers from my dinner. Mashed potatoes mixed with corn, peas and a very small amount of meatloaf. If mom had made gravy I might have finished it....
My crazy rats discovered a decorative candle today and while my back was turned (I'm studying) they knocked it over and were eating/chewing on the wax.... [emoji58] Not amused....
When we have long playtime I put out a container of water for them to drink from or play in. Neither of them like water much yet. But Sweet Pea was sitting on the edge dipping her paws in and drinking. So cute!!!! [emoji4]
Haha they are like "I don't mind your leftovers momma!"
Its funny how they access water sometimes. I have a tail dipper, if there's a non bottle source of water he will get his tail in it and then lick it dry but look at me like "why did you get my tail wet!?"
Hahaha Sterling he sounds like a real character! Very interesting way of getting water... Like I would assume that if they aren't gonna drink from it like dogs/cats the very next thing to do would be to use their paws like they do for everything else. And your boy just comes out of nowhere and says screw getting my paws wet imma use this tail and then when I look silly blame it on momma so no one makes fun of me. Psh I didn't just do that. I'm just cleaning it off after momma rudely got it wet. [emoji23]

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