My Rattie Adventure

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Haha I love how they peel peas. I usually hand feed them from their cage so they get all the peels in there. Then mine go back and eat the peels later. Silly ratties.
Quote: "My girl was chilling in my arms until mom came in all loud and sh*t.... Then she was happy sleeping behind under the covers. "

Aww, your mom came in all loud and "ruined the groove" (as they say in the movie!) Tell Mom to be quiet next time she comes in! ;)
You can try pea fishing too - get a heavy, wide-based dish where the sides are not too tall, and fill it with warm water (unless it's hot and they want to cool down). Add peas to the water. Add rats (not to water LOL). You may have to show them the first time by fishing a pea out for them. I add corn kernels too.
You can try pea fishing too - get a heavy, wide-based dish where the sides are not too tall, and fill it with warm water (unless it's hot and they want to cool down). Add peas to the water. Add rats (not to water LOL). You may have to show them the first time by fishing a pea out for them. I add corn kernels too.

Tried pea fishing too... Ended up just pulling them all out for them. As soon as they got their noses wet they wanted nothing to do with the container.... Might try it again another day....
Got home late last night from a friend's. As soon as I flipped on my bedroom lights Sweet Pea and Buck went crazy. Well Buck is a lazy big boy..... So, crazy for a fat boy... They hadn't had play time yet so I guess that's what they were looking for.
I dropped everything and set up the bed for playtime ASAP and they got about an hour. Met my border collie too. Buck gave her a little warning bite on the nose later that evening when they were back in their cage and my dog stuck her nose against the bars... She didn't bleed just a little yelp and she ran over to me.
Ratties got a custard cup of peas and made a nice big mess for me to clean up this morning. I love my sweet babies!!! [emoji4]
Got home late last night from a friend's. As soon as I flipped on my bedroom lights Sweet Pea and Buck went crazy. Well Buck is a lazy big boy..... So, crazy for a fat boy... They hadn't had play time yet so I guess that's what they were looking for.
I dropped everything and set up the bed for playtime ASAP and they got about an hour. Met my border collie too. Buck gave her a little warning bite on the nose later that evening when they were back in their cage and my dog stuck her nose against the bars... She didn't bleed just a little yelp and she ran over to me.
Ratties got a custard cup of peas and made a nice big mess for me to clean up this morning. I love my sweet babies!!! [emoji4]

Yep, rats really love their people and they need lots of daily outside playtime, away from their cage, to interact with Mommy and play. So they were waiting for you when you got home, definitely! Run around/play/love time on top of the bed is a great way for them to stretch their legs and get some fun "outside the cage" time, absolutely. :)

Rats also LOVE fabric and blankets to play and crawl under, to play "hidey cave!" and to also feel safe. I used to throw a blanket or towel or two on top of our bed during play time and my boys had the best time going under the blankets, running back out, back under...I would even see them grooming themselves in there (a ratty that is grooming is a relaxed rat), or eating a treat, or just having fun exploring their "blanket cave." :D
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My mom also has a big jacuzzi tub in her bathroom. It never gets used cuz our water heater isn't big enough to fill the tub so I lay down a big comforter in there and sit in it with my ratties and they love it. Bring my laptop and watch movies or do homework and they get lots of play time.
Today I got home and Buck was looking for lovins and Sweet Pea rolled over for a belly rub. [emoji4]
My mom also has a big jacuzzi tub in her bathroom. It never gets used cuz our water heater isn't big enough to fill the tub so I lay down a big comforter in there and sit in it with my ratties and they love it. Bring my laptop and watch movies or do homework and they get lots of play time.
Today I got home and Buck was looking for lovins and Sweet Pea rolled over for a belly rub. [emoji4]

A jacuzzi sounds like one awesome playground. What a cool idea.
Yeah, that is a great idea! I never thought about crawling right into a big tub with a comforter...your ratties must have such a blast running around all over in there...sounds like blanket cave heaven for them! And they get to be right there with you at the same time. Nice bonding!
So last night I was spot cleaning the cage so that it can wait until I'm off of work on Sunday to actually get cleaned. And Sweet Pea kept running to the edge of the cage trying to escape. At first I just pushed her back. But then I started picking her up and laying her on her back and tickling her belly for a few seconds and then I would let go and she would get up, wait a few seconds and then come running back trying to escape again. But then she wasn't just running she was like bounding over. Very playful-like. It was a little annoying cuz I was just tryin to clean the cage a bit. But it was darn cute that I had I play along a little. [emoji23][emoji173]️
Like popping? Lol its cute when they pop. I miss when they are little and like that. I have yet to get the little boys to pop. They no popping yet
I will put my hand in front of them like it's ready to pounce, and then my hand will hop on top of them and then bounce back off again. Then my hand will run towards them, hop on top of them and then run away again. They will usually end up chasing my hand and hopping on top of it - tag! You're it!
Yea I guess it's popping. My boy hasn't done it yet. But he's kinda a big lazy oaf. Loves getting pet. My girl is the really playful one.
Cage got all cleaned today!! Sweet Pea was a butt head while I was cleaning though. Kept trying to escape! she is such an adventurer....
But after cleaning they had a nice nap. And I went out and discovered Jo'Anns was having a sale for 60% off fleece and ended up buying 10 yards over 3 different patterns. One of them even says "Sweet Pea" on it, which I was super excited about!!
Then playtime this evening as always and Buck cuddles for a little bit. And then back in the cage and veggie time. Bowl for peas was being washed so they got a thawed out 1/4 piece of corn on the cob.
It's been a pretty awesome week! So glad I adopted these guys. [emoji1]
Aww, it sounds like things are going well! Joanne's is such a great place for getting discount fleece and flannel type fabric from those bins, super buy. I love when I find cute, soft baby blanket material, especially when it has cute little baby themes on it like little ducks or teddy bears. :)
We're going to the best tomorrow. Think they have fleas.... Feel bad cuz I thought Buck just had a little bit of dandruff. And now I'm thinking it's actually flea eggs... [emoji31]

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