I have figured out who will go in for a neuter..............Lucky John. During intros not one of the boys are puffy except him. He chomped down on Dark nose (cant wait to figure names out!) and left a sore on his back. So when i take the girls in next week he will go with them.
Today was "Test the waters day" I will put them on the table blank for a while till I see everyone is calm, then I will give a box to see how they react. If they can be happy in the box then we move onto the next part of the intro. If they fight we keep going with no boxes.
At first the box was good. It still was with all but Little johnny boy.
They all piled in, well most of them, no issues no puffy boys.
John and Dark nose stayed on the table. I thought it was good since they fought on day 2.
You can see how the life comes to the boys when a box is put up. This is probably one of my most watched moments. If the crap will hit the fan, this is the moment it will. Balls come out when they have a bunker LOL
[BBvideo 450,375:3oxfj4up]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9OqhN717ro&feature=youtu.be[/BBvideo:3oxfj4up]
John woke up, and went to the box. I just knew the second I saw him, he was full of attitude. ALways makes me sad when my sweet boys turn out to be the jerks LOL
You can see when he comes out of the box near the beginning, he was ready to start the chase. He had that look and that feel to him. You have to be in total tune with your males when you intro them.
[BBvideo 450,375:3oxfj4up]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJvrRDt91iY&feature=youtu.be[/BBvideo:3oxfj4up]
I tried a positive reinforcement when he didnt bite dark nose. This is not something I normally try, but I figured it was worth a shot.
[BBvideo 450,375:3oxfj4up]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4H3Obyy1e0&feature=youtu.be[/BBvideo:3oxfj4up]
This is probably the best one It shows John in the act. He started out grooming him, but it was a bit harder than typical. His whole body language was not happy.
[BBvideo 450,375:3oxfj4up]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1REdvV_L8pE&feature=youtu.be[/BBvideo:3oxfj4up]
I took the box away after John had his time out. I put them back on the table and smacked the dog food bowl with a little hand shovel. Once they piled up, I waited till john was calm and less stressed and I ended the intros.
I am still switching boys out of the cage sections. The funny thing is in the cage John isnt a brat hardly. He does sit in wait for the boys at the back of the cage sniffing the other boys below. Bowie and Simon have became cage rubbers after the other boys are in the part but they are nice during intros.
I will have to keep to empty table intros for now. I may brave the floor monday with all the boys minus John and see how that goes.