Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
I'm not seeing the pear shape of late pregnancy in those new pictures.
theratlady said:and brittany you said she had her babies dec? lol
brittanyfork said:She gave birth to her other babies on the 12th of December and on the 23rd her pups all passed away.
So I'm thinking she got pregnant somewhere in that time?
I'll get more pictures of her up now soon...
Tarah said:The female is a Variegated Sky Blue with a head spot, and about 9 weeks old and the boy is a Smeeze dumbo, same age.
The female is pregnant (again) and the boy is here with me.
Family Portrait :giggle: My boys love him, their cuddled up on the back of my neck right now. I think he loves them too! :giggle:
mike_art03a said:Well, that's some good news. However, as painful as it'd be, you shouldn't just run out and grab someone's pregnant pet rat because they can't take care of the babies, especially if you're in a situation where you don't know what you'll do with them. If anything, you should tell that person that s/he should turn them over to the local SPCA/Humane Society. Atleast they'll get looked after.
I know that we all love our pets and hate to see others in precarious positions, but we also have to be realistic. Especially for those who still live with Family, if you don't have the means of taking care of extra pets, then why are you taking them in? In my case, I can easily afford my 3 plus another few on my salary as I'm a government employee who earns 35+k in a year. However, I don't have the space for additional cages at this point in time, nor do I have the ability to move them all once I get my new place in a few months. As much as I'd like to raise a ratty family myself, I'm gonna hold off until I'm able to do so and have the appropriate place to do so as well.
I'm not being mean spirited or rude here, but I'm a practical person. I already own 2 birds (and sometimes taking care of my brother's 2 love birds) and 3 rats in a 900 sq. ft appartment and room's at a slight premium, I just can't imagine having a wall of cages, a ton of food and other essentials floating around my place just because I can afford it, I can't stand tripping over a pile of stuff.
I'm not being mean spirited or rude here, but I'm a practical person. I already own 2 birds (and sometimes taking care of my brother's 2 love birds) and 3 rats in a 900 sq. ft appartment and room's at a slight premium, I just can't imagine having a wall of cages, a ton of food and other essentials floating around my place just because I can afford it, I can't stand tripping over a pile of stuff.
I can easily afford my 3 plus another few on my salary as I'm a government employee who earns 35+k in a year.
I just can't imagine having a wall of cages, a ton of food and other essentials floating around my place
I'm not being mean spirited or rude here