I would avoid these products completely. I have just PM'ed Jo some info in regards to some research i did on these wood litter products a while ago. What made me do this was a rescue that got bought to us was housed on these pellets, as well as some other things and had horrid health issues. She was 18 months old and was taken directly to the vet because when i saw her i was shocked she was still alive she presented with:
Severe Myco, labored breathing
Skeleton of a rat, bones all sticking out and no fat on her.
Skin scratches from clawing at herself. Checked for mites etc and didn't see anything.
Skin red and irritated as well as discoloured yellow in places.
Fur discoloured, not cleaning properly
She smelt like pine and goodness know what else.
Once taken to the vet she was put on antibiotics, treated for creepy crawlys (although the vet suspected something in her previous environment causing it) and i was told to watch her closely as he felt that i would not get her past this due to all the above factors.
She did make a recovery which took months and was rehomed with her guardian angel of a human mum. She passed away not long ago but not until she spend 6 wonderful months with her human mum who spend most of that time watching her closely for any flares.
Here are some pics of what she came in and her discoloured fur :
As well as the pelleted wood litter, there is torn cardboard and a recycle shopping bag GRR
Princess Rella as she became known..
she looks weighty here but i could feel every rib on her. I actually had to pick her up with a blanket as she was so skeletal i didn't want to hurt her.
In her new home during her free range with all her new friends which ended up being 13 more rescues
Jo has more info about this which i am sure she will share when she has time.