very nervous babies

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Aww, that is great! Animals all deserve to be spoiled! :joy: I am sure your boxer LOVES car rides! What doggie wouldn't love those? :D
Buster1128 said:
i can not believe the progress that static is making she comes to us she sits in our pockets im so proud of her but poor shoxk still needs some work
I'm glad to hear Static is coming around. Give Shoxk lots more attention and love!
That is great news Buster! Yes, there always seems to be a braver ratty and a shyer one when you have rats. I have a shy and a brave one also. The shy ones sometimes are like that on a permanent basis and that is just how they are, even though they still love you and enjoy attention from you. Others can become less shy after awhile, but it can be slow going. Sounds like you are doing awesome in the patience department though and things are going well! Give your fur kids kisses from me! :hugs:
Buster1128 said:
ok im not sure which one it is but someone has really wet poop sorry for beibg gross is this ok? should i worry?
If it's a one-time thing, no. If it's ongoing, then you should certainly look into it.
They can have funny poops depending on what they're eating. I am always surprised when they have orange poops from carrots or blue poop from blueberries. :)
And if they're worried, then the loose, stinky poops can come (aka 'fear poops').
Yeah, it could either be "nervous poops" or they might have had a few too many veggies or fruit that can sometimes cause a bit of loose poop.

I have always used a cage for my two boys from SuperPet,(I think that is the right name) called My First Exotics cage or something like that. They run about 100 dollars or sometimes as little as 80ish to 90 dollars if you can find it on sale. Everyone has different opinions on housing and brands of cages but my boys have always done very well in this.

Three levels with ramps and two gate is so easy to clean and my boys love it. Some people say their rats chewed on the plastic shelves or ramps but my boys have never chewed on them at all. I guess all situations are different!

This cage comes with a food tub for lab blocks that sits right into one of the shelves, which is handy, and also giant ratty wheel too, but my boys wanted nothing to do with the wheel, ha ha. So no wheel, and more room on the bottom floor for playing.

This cage is supposed to be big enough for 4 adult rats, so since my two boys have it all to themselves, it is plenty spacious for them. Anyway, this is a photo of mine:

Yeah, the bottom of this cage is nice and deep and the lower door that opens over this bottom area is big enough for me to be able to easily reach in and clean up the bottom area easily.
we just went to petco and petsmart the rat cages i saw are nice but expensive i picked them up some oxbow everyone on here seems to suggest it i was using what ever i had from the rat before them it didnt have seeds in it and some chew toys they ate all theirs lol i feel bad for shock she really doesnt like to be handled i mean she will let me for cleaning and never ever bites or tries but shes so skiddish
The more you handle her the better. Give her lots of healthy treats like banana, peas to gain her trust. You could scoop her up, give her a kiss, put her back down, offer a treat. Do this several times.
Good tips from Jorats!
My skittish boy, Maximus, always seems to relax and get more curious about me when I put my hand down in front of him, palm side up with my fingers stretched out and I hold my hand still.....sort of a beta move on my part, and he will waddle right up to my hand and sort of climb onto the palm and sometimes lay right on my hand...or even leave his little pee mark on me, ha ha.

He is saying, "Mommy is part of my pack and I am marking her to show everyone she is MINES!" :giggle: I always take that as a big compliment, of course! And at the same time, I am also showing him that my hand is not a big scary hawk swooping down on him!

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