You are will un-teach avoidance by no longer redirecting him when he goes near them.
Just because Rocky tells you he's done, you are the one who decides, now unless he was in severe distress or an extremely shy or scared rat, then we would end it when he asks but because he's pretty easy going, you decide how long you want it. An hour is just fine. I always do my intros an hour long.
I would now stop reinforcing his avoidance or turning away from them. He already knows that it's a good thing. But now, when he goes to them, and you do that sweet talk, that's reinforcing his good behaviour while being with them.
Our energies during intros is so important.
For example... my sister is very nervous in public and she has a very reactive dog. So I told her that when we meet up with people, you treat Roxie and tell her look friends... nice friends. And she asked me what does the words do for Roxie, I said the words are for you. And it's true, if you say sweet things and happy things, it calms your energy and makes you feel a lot better. Same with rats.
When you do put a hidey home, make sure it's open in two spots. There needs to be an entrance and an escape hatch. lol