Urinary Tract Infection?- Bladder Stones Match..

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My vet didn't really seemed concerned, and said it looks like porph. Eddy is on Zithro now for her myco flare up.

Well I have no idea what this is, and my vet wasn't really any help. I'm disappointed, and stressed.
I know it's only been 3 days, but Eddy's breathing hasn't improved even the slightest on the Zithro. It seems she is getting worse. Should I ask for Baytril? Or do a combo with Baytril+Zithro?

I also have no idea what to do about the urine. It's still the same, and it upsets me my vet just wanted to see if it'd go away..I brought her in to do something about it.
baytril + zithro combo, and zithro should be 10 mg to 15 mg/Ib.
If it helps, she needs to be on it for at least 6 weeks

Hope she soon starts to feel better
Okay. I will call tomorrow. But if the Zithro was going to help at all, wouldn't it of already helped her at least a little alone? Here are two videos of her noises. They are when you hold her. When she has slight pressure applied to her chest. She gets worse sometimes and makes noise in her sleep.

She has made these noises for months, and only recently has she started to get worse.
When she was On Orbax, the noises went away. So I am thinking the Baytril will help.
Well, there is improvement with her breathing, but not in her urine. It's still red, dark red now. Does anyone have any idea what this could be?
It's hematuria, but it can be caused by an infection of the bladder or urethra, or something like kidney stones or even a tumour in the bladder, ureter, urethra, kidneys.
Since she's on baytril and Doxy, it should help. Unless if it's a tumour, there's nothing really you can do.
What is the difference between Amoxi and Clavamox? Do you think Clavamox would be better? And if it isn't a tumor, can this kill her?
Clavamox in my opinion would be better. It is amoxi with clavulanate. Both drugs work together to cover more. The broad spectrum antibiotic with amoxi and the clavulanate is an inhibitor of an enzyme produced by bacteria.
I will talk to my vet about trying Clavamox. Should I wait to try the Clavamox and finish her Baytril+Doxy? Or should I drop the Doxy in a week or two, and do a Clavamox+Baytril combo?

So sorry for all of my questions.
Don't worry about the questions. We are here to help.

I would continue the doxy with baytril for now, until your vet gives the go ahead for the Clavamox/Baytril. Since her respiratory issues are doing better.
Here is what my vet said:

"Glad to hear her respiratory signs are improving. Baytril is actually one of the best antibiotics for urinary tract infections, so I suspect the coloration change of the urine is not likely due to infection. Rats will secrete porphyrins when under stress, we usually see it more from the facial glands, but they can secrete it in the urine as well-we see this more commonly in rabbits and guinea pigs, but it is certainly a possibility. The other things that can cause dark urine are other body metabolites such as bilirubin from the liver or pigments from severe muscle breakdown (which is really serious). My best recommendation would be a urinalysis to figure out what is causing that, throwing another antibiotic in the mix is likely to cause more harm than good. You can keep her in a clean plastic tub and collect a urine sample which we can evaluate for you-we can get you syringes and a container if you'd like to stop by."

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