I never got an X-ray or culture.
Her urine has been this way for 18 weeks now. I believe she is developing pulmonary abscesses as her chest just seems to get harder and harder and I feel this doesn't even matter anymore. :cry: She seems to be urinating fine now, at least most of the time, so would it be horrible to say perhaps I should just keep her hydrated and not try to figure it out anymore? When she can't fight anymore (which will hopefully be in a very long time, it seems like the more love your rats get, the stronger they are. I feel I have several more months with her if she does have pulmonary abscesses) I will update this thread mentioning what me and/or my vet finds inside lest anyone else experiences this.
When I make block mush she pees a lot, and it's much clearer. I assume though that so much water intake would make it so the urine doesn't sit in the bladder the amount of time it normally would which reduces the amount of blood that collects. Or kidneys, or wherever she bleeds...wherever the blood gathers.