Unsure if something is wrong - Ruby's gone =(

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No. It's just red and thicker. Well, my boyfriend called 5 minutes ago and it looks like Ruby's gone bad. He can't walk anymore, he's all wet on his belly and the side of his body where the ear is infected looks paralysed. =S

He's uploading a video right now. I'll give you guys the link when it's done. I feel so bad, he looked fine last night. :sad3: :sad3: Can a rat die of this? Can I afford to wait until tomorrow morning? I'll call the vet and beg them to take Ruby in the morning instead of the night but I really cannot afford the 100$ charge for emergency if he has to go tonight. :cry4:

What should I do meanwhile? We're at Bathurst and there's no rat vet here but we're leaving asp for Moncton, which is a 2h30 drive.
He might have a fast acting PT, or something neurological. Not sure if meds would help at this point, but you could try Pred or Dex.
He needs to see a vet right away. There something wrong for sure, not sure if steroids would help but I would try and soon. Hope someone comes and knows more than me. I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry hun, but he's having seizures. The wet chin is from him drooling due to the seizures. He might need to be put to sleep. :( I'd leave him be, sitting next to you, don't move him around much as it can set more seizures off. Limit bright lights, noise, etc. as they can all be triggers.

Also, if he goes into a real seizure (the video is the end of a seizure) be VERY CAREFUL as you can easily get bitten, they will clamp down and not let go, because they don't know what they're doing.

If you have a good vet, you can try steroids and antibiotics and see if it will improve.

I remember visiting Shelagh's boy Talty when he was having seizures, poor baby.
Here is an article on seizures.: http://ratguide.com/health/neurological/seizures.php
It covers many topics including signs, what to do, treatment, medications, nursing care, prevention and other important information:

Also: If seizures are caused by a brain tumor or by pt, then treatment with prednisone and an antibiotic such as baytril may help.
After seizures, rats are often confused and afriad. Comforting him after the seizure may help him get through this.
Just wanted to point out that very drastic head tilts can happen very quickly, like overnight. I've had that happen a few times in my crew. They always get immediately treated as soon as I notice them.

I took him to emergency vet. It costed me 142$ but he got baytril. Pure baytril without any flavor or anything. 0.02cc. He's got an appointment tomorrow but I'll try to take him in the morning and skip class. If I can't, well, he's got an appointment for 6:50.

Thanks for all your replies!
He NEEDS more than Baytril, he's having seizures, if they're going to stop at all he needed steroids as well as an antibiotic. The only reason an antibiotic is given with steroids is because the steroids lower their immune system, the antibiotic on it's own will do nothing for the seizures.

You need to either push for steroids, or have him PTS :(

I'm sorry the e-vet wasn't knowledgeable enough to know this, it's unfortunate. :(
Treatment for seizures
Recommendations for treating seizure activity:
Try to reduce the frequency, duration, and severity of seizures.

The following medications may be prescribed for seizure activity:

Information on the use of these drugs can be found in the Rat Medication Guide.
Do not judge the efficacy of the medication immediately. It could take a week or two in order to achieve sufficient levels with some anticonvulsants.

Do not discontinue the medication suddenly as status epilepticus may follow.

In the majority of cases with pet rats, the frequency and duration of seizure activity will increase unless the cause can be determined and corrected. Adjustment to drug dosage, medication schedule, or combination of both will be required throughout the remainder of the rat’s life.

Provide oxygen as needed.

Give SQ fluids if dehydrated or if there is danger of aspiration.

Treat any underlying conditions.

Initiate broad-spectrum antibiotic if infection is believed to be a cause (refer to Rat Medication Guide).

Initiate a corticosteroid (see: Rat Medication Guide) if inflammation is believed to be a factor.

Discuss euthanasia if quality of life impaired.

Quote is from : http://ratguide.com/health/neurological/seizures.php
You may want to print out the page on seizures and the ratguide medication guide and that them with you to the vet's tomorrow.
Predisone and dex are both corticosteroids.

If it is an inner ear infection or pt then he will need predisone added to the baytril.

btw, I did not see the video as you tube isn't working for me today :?
Yes I will show that to my vet tomorrow. I just hope he can hang on till then. I made him a little cage and attached a blanket around it so that no light or sudden movement will disturb him.

If only I knew about the seizures before going to the e-vet, I could've asked her for some steroids. =( But, I syringe fed him some ensure as he doesn't move at all. Poor thing. He just sleeps 80% of the time and and only blinks and looks around the other 20% of the time.

He only had one seizure attack after that video for a total of two. Both we're very short (I think that's short), about 20 seconds. The second one occurred about 1 hour after the video shot. So, I think that's good... He didn't had one since this after noon.

But why would seizures suddenly start after a beginning of ear infection? Is it maybe because Ruby over stressed about it?
I've just watched the video and to me, it looks like a very advanced pituitary tumour. I've had a few of mine that would do the back leg thing, totally unaware that they aren't reaching, kind of like trying to scratch an itch.
If it is a PT, it's very progressed and at this point I would consider having him put to sleep.
I also don't believe they are in pain at this point, I've had this discussion with my vet several times because we've gone through PTs so much here.
Yes it can... but some of the symptoms are so subtle that you might not notice it unless you are really looking for it like slight confusion, not using one of his hands to hold his food, head tilt, loss of hind end mobility...
I would say PT. He's very confused. I would really see if you can get a shot of Dex and see if he improves. If it does I would say ask for another shot of Dex (I do this with all my rats when they have PT), and ask for a perscription for either dex if your vet gives that which mine doesn't so I get prednisone for them. The first dex shot may or may not work, if after a day or two it doesn't help I would put him to sleep. My Ruby wouldn't bounce back from the dex so we were going to let her go, but she made the choice for us the night before the vet appt.

I'm so sorry, it's so hard to see them go like this.
xxchelle said:
Wouldn't the wet chin be caused by drooling from seizures?

It certainly can be seizures. But I've seen some of mine with PT have that too. Maybe PT is causing seizures? that wouldn't surprise me.
Also, just remembering now, we've had a couple of rats develop a brain tumour that canalled right out of the ears causing the same symptoms.
Whatever it is... it's neuro.
jorats said:
xxchelle said:
Wouldn't the wet chin be caused by drooling from seizures?

It certainly can be seizures. But I've seen some of mine with PT have that too. Maybe PT is causing seizures? that wouldn't surprise me.
Also, just remembering now, we've had a couple of rats develop a brain tumour that canalled right out of the ears causing the same symptoms.
Whatever it is... it's neuro.

From my understanding, a PT putting pressure on the wrong part of the brain COULD cause seizing, and it would explain the sudden, worsening symptoms.... damn PT grows soooo fast sometimes :(

Whatever it is, it sounds like this has progressed waaaaayyyy too quickly to make him a good candidate for any serious treatment regimen. You could try but it looks like it would be futile and all around upsetting.
No that video was the last time he was able to somewhat stand up... He's been sleeping ever since, sometimes awakening and blinking and moving his front paws but nothing much more. He's just sleeping and his head is moving a little every 3-4 sec or so. The e-vet said she really didn't like his breathing. I'm gonna call in about 2 hours to see if I can bring him right away or sometimes this morning. We'll see what the vet has to say. But he isn't drooling anymore and he didn't do any other seizure attack. Although, he isn't moving much. He took his ensure and baytril by syringe though even if he didn't want them. He tried to push the syringe away with his front paws. :sad3:

I'm preparing mentally for the possibility of putting him to sleep. But it makes me sick just thinking about it. Ruby was the one rat of the lot that didn't jump out of the bed or try to escape. He was always with us and sleeping at our feets like a dog.

EDIT : Well, my vet isn't in this morning so I'll just have to wait for 6:50 tonight. It's gonna be a long wait.

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