Toby, my 26 month old (one of the two last remaining babies from Momma :heart
..scarred lungs?/crappy resp?/heart problems? rat has been on pred and baytril for three weeks. I decided to give it a try since he has heavy breathing and sounds like a piggy. He had multiple resp infections starting at 10 months old, we tried all combos of meds which all worked for the time. My vet thinks scarred lungs, I personaly think heart (but my vet dose not do the whole heart med thing). Toby is a very hapy ratty who still gets excited for food, not lossing weight (just saggying due to age). I figured I'd try the pred just to try ..but it has made no difference. My pred is the low concentration of 1/1 he gets 0.9 once a day. How would I go about weening him?
Since my question got answered, figured Id might as well continue on the Toby topic and get a video of his breathing and activity.
You can see he needs to take a break after getting the treat because he was so excited..but mind you he is in good shape considering he is 26 months old, and his family history sucks with most of his family going at a young age.

Since my question got answered, figured Id might as well continue on the Toby topic and get a video of his breathing and activity.
You can see he needs to take a break after getting the treat because he was so excited..but mind you he is in good shape considering he is 26 months old, and his family history sucks with most of his family going at a young age.