Well-Known Member
jennifervb said:anita1216 said:Neglect is a sad, sickening thing. Animals, like our children, our given into our care. We dont "deserve" and we have no real "right" to them and they can be taken just as quickly. *sighs* While they are in our care, we should love them, give them what they need to thrive. Life is about balance and its our job to find that line, to walk along it the best way we can. When you can no longer clearly see that line, its time to make a choice. Clearly nobody would give up their human children in favor of their furkids.
Michelle is guilty of ignoring the balance and focusing her efforts on her sick children, that is understandable. Where it became a crime was her negelct of these furchildren, who had no voice and needed her love and care. It would have taken little effort to at least reach out and try to find them another home. Children, even the sickliest of them do sleep. We have to find the time, thats our responsibility as humans, being of a higher order, we are charged with caring for those who can not help themselves.
I am sorry these animals have suffered needlessly. I am thankful to see kindness and love in people so willing to take them in and love them no matter what the cost to them finanacially, but more importantly..emotionally.
I wish the girls well and they will be in my prayers.raying:
I agree with you to a certain extent Anita. Very well said. I just sometimes wonder if animals really "need" humans or if we have put them in a position to need us. Many animals are not "welcome" anywhere and some people will freak out at the sight of a mouse.
You should see the looks I get from colleagues when they see the pictures of my boys in my cube. You have RATS??? "Bravo Socrates... any other obvious questions you need to have answered?" :roll: LOL!!!
(yes, I have a dry sense of humor.!)
I totally agree that many animals have been put into the position to need the care of humans. I have no doubt that we have upset a delicate balance at some point in evolution/creation (please choose the option that best fits how you believe
Gotta love the "you have pet rats?" after they see picture statements. Those just never fail to both annoy and amuse me. Its like my twin sister and her "they were biting my nails!!!" ummm dear sister, they were trying to groom you, not bite!! :roll: