Loving rats since 2002.
What's the name of the expensive laboratory rat block? Maybe there's something in that food that was bad?
mamarat said:I have pics of River and Jacqui. They are looking a lot better.
Here's Jacqui, she is quite the little explorer
and here's River whispering a secret? lol
Michelle said:Why don't you ask before accusing??
I JUST found out about my daughters' allergies the week before I contacted the forum to find a new home. I did not keep rats knowing my kids had allergies and I did not KEEP getting rats despite it.
Do you need to see my 2, 3 and 5 year old daughters' health records?? How about the one that almost died at birth from prematurity? How about when she was hospitalized for pneumonia that turned out to be RSV? How about the other daughter not thriving from 5 months on and 4 Drs. not discovering her Diabetes until she was emaciated at 18 month of age?? How about when my second daughter almost died from RSV?? How about when she was then diagnosed with Diabetes at the age of 3?? Or my newborn who did die from RSV?? Or how about the time she was hospitalized for a kidney infection and then pneumonia? These aren't even all the health crisis we've been through the last few years. YOU have no idea.
YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE HEALTH OF MY CHILDREN NOR WHAT WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH WITH THEM. Do not accuse me of making things up just to hide behind my ratties. We are lucky as hell to have our kids still. Perhaps I should have found my rats new homes sooner. I am an honest person and had I known about any of these conditions of course I would have taken them to the Vet. I find it curious not much has been mentioned about Decker, the gorgeous cat we saved from under our deck with the awesome personality. I really am a monster. You people sure have made me feel that way. I am so sorry about those rats and I know I didn't give them the time and attention they IDEALLY should have had, but I did the best with what I had. Not enough.
Let me know where you'd like me to send the medical records. I hope you have a few spare boxes.
I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you and the ratties. :grouphug:mamarat said:Actually River has to lose weight, but Jacqui had to gain weight. Whatever is in River's belly, the vet hopes was due to malnutrition and with good food, she might get better. But she didn't really give me any hope, she doesn't think River will live that long. It is very sad for me to watch these girls and now both do run to me when they hear my voice. She also said she thought the girls were much older but then (again) malnutrition can cause that too. So I love them like they will always be here but knowing they might not. :tearful:
mamarat said:Actually River has to lose weight, but Jacqui had to gain weight. Whatever is in River's belly, the vet hopes was due to malnutrition and with good food, she might get better. But she didn't really give me any hope, she doesn't think River will live that long. It is very sad for me to watch these girls and now both do run to me when they hear my voice. She also said she thought the girls were much older but then (again) malnutrition can cause that too. So I love them like they will always be here but knowing they might not. :tearful:
ratamataz said:mamarat said:Actually River has to lose weight, but Jacqui had to gain weight. Whatever is in River's belly, the vet hopes was due to malnutrition and with good food, she might get better. But she didn't really give me any hope, she doesn't think River will live that long. It is very sad for me to watch these girls and now both do run to me when they hear my voice. She also said she thought the girls were much older but then (again) malnutrition can cause that too. So I love them like they will always be here but knowing they might not. :tearful:
I'm so sorry mamarat. :cry:
Keeping the girls in my thoughts... :heart:
anita1216 said:Neglect is a sad, sickening thing. Animals, like our children, our given into our care. We dont "deserve" and we have no real "right" to them and they can be taken just as quickly. *sighs* While they are in our care, we should love them, give them what they need to thrive. Life is about balance and its our job to find that line, to walk along it the best way we can. When you can no longer clearly see that line, its time to make a choice. Clearly nobody would give up their human children in favor of their furkids.
Michelle is guilty of ignoring the balance and focusing her efforts on her sick children, that is understandable. Where it became a crime was her negelct of these furchildren, who had no voice and needed her love and care. It would have taken little effort to at least reach out and try to find them another home. Children, even the sickliest of them do sleep. We have to find the time, thats our responsibility as humans, being of a higher order, we are charged with caring for those who can not help themselves.
I am sorry these animals have suffered needlessly. I am thankful to see kindness and love in people so willing to take them in and love them no matter what the cost to them finanacially, but more importantly..emotionally.
I wish the girls well and they will be in my prayers.raying:
mamarat said:The vet thinks River has fluid in her tummy or a tumor. And even with an xray she said she probably wouldn't be able to see anything because of the fluid. I have to watch her to see if she will lose the tummy with good nutrition.