This is a Bit Too Much…Calla update 01/28

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Calla, you are amazing! It always gets me, when you find a rat with such a will to live! I've had rats that seemed to be nearing the end but they keep trucking along! Rats are fragile in soo many ways but also soo resistant....
Keep sending the love and keep well vibes, its working!!! We are at 29 days from time of diagnosis and start of steroid treatment :thumbup:

Calla got shifted to the small hamster ALT cage I just recieved by mistake. But it works very well for her. Its still on my bed at night, and she has a cube and a flat hammie to choose from on each level. She loves being up high, and despite losing more weight (you really see it in her face) she is active, alert and doing very very well :thumbup:

Her new Bed Cage

and the girly herself...she's eating blocks again too but insists on her baby cereal as much as possible *nom nom*


Love & good vibes can cheer them on no doubt, but the kid has to have the heart to keep running, and Calla surely does have that! Which stimulates the cheers from us that I know she can hear in her heart. It's a symbiotic thing - We love you Calla!

Thanks for that 2nd picture, Shelagh! :heart:
I enjoyed reading about Calla's "getting better" phases and how strong she is. My Peyton is going through the beginning stages of this now and today I will be starting her on prednisone and an antibiotic. I was just wondering how is Calla doing? Is she still with us?
missjenmarie said:
I enjoyed reading about Calla's "getting better" phases and how strong she is. My Peyton is going through the beginning stages of this now and today I will be starting her on prednisone and an antibiotic. I was just wondering how is Calla doing? Is she still with us?

Calla was with me for umm...10 weeks after starting treatment? I would have to check. She's long gone now.
Ah...I am so sorry. I figured since there was not any updates since the end of January that that might be the case - so I am so sorry to re-open this for you. Thanks for all your posts and updates though, it gives me an idea of what to expect for my sweet little one. I am so sorry for your loss. Calla looked so sweet and you seem like you were an amazing rat mom. I am not looking forward to that day for myself, but am trying to do whatever I can to help her live a happy/"healthy" rest of her life.

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