The Roly Poly Babies-The babies are 2 years old now :)

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I'm shocked how big they got, its like only yesterday they were little blubbers!
They have grown a lot.... I still cannot believe they survived.

This is them the one extra hooded is Barret before we lost him. The ones on the left are turtle, Hopper and Lily, their normal sized siblings are on the right.... They were 15 days old. that is Irish, Maude and the pew boy from the litter who was normal.

Turtle at 23 days old with her brother Irish or her sister maude.

Barret, Hopper, Turtle and lily at 13 days old * you can see lily tail injury, i know it happened prior to this photo no idea how though.



It still trips me out they were normal till about 5 or 6 days old then you could see how much smaller. It wasnt untill probably 2 months old they finally seems to be an almost normal rat size. It just amazes me that they lived. I sit in awe watching them after seeing this and hoping they would make it but doubting they would. To see them at almost 4 months old now, makes me so happy.
Lenny is over 2 years old now. Simon is just over one but part of my 5 chronic boys. We lost his brother flea a few months back. I was able to put them two together when one needed attention but now that Lenny has a bad heart I figured i needed them out where I could watch them. Since both boys are intact I was limited on who i could put them with. The babies are all spayed and neutered and happy go lucky rats so the intros were really simple.

I hate the unsuspected deaths so I tend to keep my sick ones where we can watch them closer.

Simon is the worst off. He has been battling horrible lungs since the day he came here. I can keep him pretty stable but he seems to have some bad moments.
He has found the babies are good pillows so he will lay on them with his paws to on them to help him breath i am sure but the babies all ready made pillows just perfect for him to lay on.

Lenny is two years old or a bit older now maybe 25-26 months now. He has been thinning a bit and has very fast breathing. I started heart meds and lasix along with antibiotics. He has bad moments too but they are doing well with the wee ones.

Ignore the poo LOL i gave up potty training a long time ago. They are due for cage cleaning tomorrow or the next day.

I am glad the babies are so easy to get along with, this make it easier for me to be able to keep the ones I need to watch closer together. I am always checking the babies and the oldies out here so it works well for making sure my boys are doing ok.
Couldn't have put it better, i hope your old timers hang in there, and try to enjoy the time they have
They are doing well. I took the babies and put them in the playpen last night and the sick boys enjoyed some no baby time. everyone needs time away from babies every now and then LOL.....

Lenny is looking rough, My poor boy, Simon is hanging in there I think at this point it is keeping them stable and as healthy as we can till they pass..
The babies are back by themselves. Lenny took a turn for the worse and he passed away last night. Previously I had taken Simon out and moved him and my oldie tart who is losing weight and having some back leg issues to another cage. So lenny was left with the babies since he was so sick. I took the babies out of the cage two nights ago and put Squiggy, Lenny's brother in the cage with him so he had him there.

The babies are doing well. I am still so happy with them. I play with rats a lot of the day but these guys always bring a big smile to my face.

I think this is Willow.. with Turtle in the back ground. we have to keep the bottle inside since they cannot stand well. this way they can lay and drink from it.

Liam and willow drinking


Roo drinking from the bottle

Play time LOL even though it looks like nap time they are in play mode LOL


Little Lily

Hand kisses

Roo has an itch and he cant scratch it!

Gah! :thud: they are so beautiful and look so so so SO happy, I think they bring a smile to my face every time I see them :joy:
I never really thought about putting the babies on the actual rat room floor but now that we have, we do it often.

[BBvideo 450,375:28qplxvo][/BBvideo:28qplxvo]

I am unsure what is the problem with Hopper, his fur came back now it is gone again. I am about to have a skin scrapping done to see what the cause it but I think it might be just barbering? I have no idea.

[BBvideo 450,375:28qplxvo][/BBvideo:28qplxvo]

Lily seems to be the best walker. She spends a huge majority of her time on all 4s

I do think they are losing the use of their legs, they seems to be tilted more or something? Maybe not tilted more but just a less usable. I havent pinpoint it yet but I will.

They love the floor,
They all seem to be getting that way. Turtle was the only one but they seem to not walk more the older they get. There is an older video of liam and he used his legs more it seems he just crawls more now. The lean seems more prominent on them.
How do you think this will affect them in the future? Can they still get around to the water and food OK? Will they need to be in a one level cage?
I moved them into a 47 inch monster rabbit cage a while ago. They have one level with multiple hammocks and a wheel for the wheel runners. I think when they get "excited" they tend to lean more like their butts get ahead of themselves. I have no idea how it will affect them. I can say I am hoping it just ends up like HED in appearance which is what I am thinking so far. I am more worried about their spines and insides because we dont know what all is wrong with them or what is all damaged.

I keep the water bottle inside the cage and at a lower height for them so they can always reach it, the same thing I do for Skittles our HED girl. They knock their food bowl over constantly so they are able to get to it, i think I just have the wrong type of bowl for them I need to switch to a ceramic bowl rather than a plastic wide mouth bowl. They are almost 5 months old now. I think they will be ok for a while I guess we will all see what the outcome is with them because it is a guess so far.