Well-Known Member
When I was much younger and I had a patchwork hairless rat, I didn't really notice how bad her respiratory problem was until it was too late (I feel so guilty about that). I came home and she was pretty much blue so I freaked out and took her to an emergency vet clinic, she was put in an oxygen tank where she started to pick up put they said the infection was probably too far gone to try meds and if we took her home she would just suffer and die. So we decided to get her pts... She didn't get gassed
Just a needle and she was gone in like 30 seconds... I had no idea at the time that this wasn't humane... I was only ten. But now I find out they should be gassed first??? WTH now I feel a million times worse... We paid 350 to have her 'humanely' pts. so the 350 included an oxygen tank, the needle, and they cremated her (I didn't get the ashes.)
Just out of curiosity how big is a bag of ashes for just one rat? It can' be too big.. I just want to know if the freezer thing would be worth my time... LOL I don't think the roomies would be cool with a bunch of frozen dead rats in the freezer though. I wouldn't be either, I would cry every time I opened the freezer.
Just out of curiosity how big is a bag of ashes for just one rat? It can' be too big.. I just want to know if the freezer thing would be worth my time... LOL I don't think the roomies would be cool with a bunch of frozen dead rats in the freezer though. I wouldn't be either, I would cry every time I opened the freezer.