Tattooing rats?

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Cat tattoos are traceable too. The tattoos are broken up into two parts, the first part is the vet clinic it belongs to and the second is the serial, they find the vet clinic and then call the clinic who provides the owners name and phone number. I can tell you even with tattoos the majority of animals do not get returned. Sometimes the tattoos fad out, becoming unreadable or if you can read them the information for the owner is no longer valid since they moved and forgot to update their vet. A Tattoo that is private and not registered anywhere would not help your average shelter volunteer who would have no clue what it even meant.

edit: ema you are taking a very defensive tone here and I don't see anyone attacking you. All people are doing is commenting on how they feel about the idea, which is what you asked for in the first place. You wanted opinions and are getting them, please do not take them the wrong way.
The only reason I am not posting her name, is it doesn't take a whole forum to bring the matter up. I can speak with her civilly about the methods now I have some facts... I found that to be much more constructive.
About horse branding - hot brands are not the only kinds of brands used any more. In fact, they are rarely used in this day and age (at least in the US). Instead what is called a "freeze brand" is used. I don't know if anesthesia is used or not (haven't ever witnessed it), but from what I hear it is not painful for the animal. There are registries that have standardized brands, which makes them traceable.
I am not asking for her name to attack her, I am interested in any breeder in BC, I routinely check out their litters and plans to see what they are up to. I have seriously considered adopting from a BC breeder in the past and was on one of their waiting lists. I haven't heard of any breeders in the okanagan area though which makes me even more curious. If you do not wish to state her name publicly then I accept that but would you be able to send it to me in a PM so I can look at her website? :)
I reread my posts and I seen no hint of any tone. I posted this thread because I wanted to hear peoples opinions, and I do appreciate everyone posting. Some angles I had not even thought about, so it is defiantly something I can bring up with her before deciding weather or not to keep working with her.

Digitalangel, she is not in Canada... she was going to ship some rats and give me her knowledge on the line. If I PM you her details, can you please keep them between me and you? I will bring the matter up with her, and let you all know what shes says. But please respect that I don't want to cause unnecessary drama. All of your points posted here will be brought up with her.
ema-leigh said:
That tattoo is not just to 'claim the line as hers', it also helps prevent any of them going to pet stores or shelters etc as much as she can.

When I am talking about dogs being tattooed, in the UK my dogs were sedated to be tattooed (breeders orders, not mine) I assumed it would be the same everywhere.

I'm not considering it, I'm researching the idea. I had never even heard of this up until a few weeks ago. I am trying to find out if it does hurt them or not, because not all tattoo's hurt.

When I said her rats were pedigreed I meant I was able to track multiple generations on her website and with a few other ratteries. I'm not just saying shes registered with the NARR so shes a good breeder, she is good to her rats and is an excellent breeder, obviously I have looked into all that already.

But if I put a tattoo on one of mines ears... then rehomed him to a good home, and they gave him up to a rescue, I'd have no control over that.
If she fully home checks every home, they won't even be ending up in a rescue or pet shop. I've spoken to a lot of respected breeders before and know none of them would do this. :? Maybe not all tattoos hurt with humans, but on a rats ear, a tiny animal - why? Why even risk that it might cause pain - they hide pain well.

My opinion is... it *could* cause the rat pain, it is not something that needs doing, so why put your own pets you're responsiable for through that risk??
ema-leigh said:
I reread my posts and I seen no hint of any tone. I posted this thread because I wanted to hear peoples opinions, and I do appreciate everyone posting. Some angles I had not even thought about, so it is defiantly something I can bring up with her before deciding weather or not to keep working with her.

Digitalangel, she is not in Canada... she was going to ship some rats and give me her knowledge on the line. If I PM you her details, can you please keep them between me and you? I will bring the matter up with her, and let you all know what shes says. But please respect that I don't want to cause unnecessary drama. All of your points posted here will be brought up with her.

I also PMd you, if you give me any details I won't pass them around or anything, I'm just curious.
Again, I appreciate everyones input. Thank you.

My first thought had been it was a good idea to have some sort of visible identification for them... but once you weigh out the pros and cons... it does seem superficial. I will defiantly never be adopting this practice with my ratties.
Sorry to sound like am now picking on you Ema, I read her website and won't say any one thing but I'm not really impressed by her at all. I wouldn't trust that kind of breeder.
No its okay, I welcome your views. Was it her lines you wouldn't trust? OR her herself? I have seen lots of her rats placed with other breeders who all comment on how healthy and friendly they were. (I did contact a few) She also has been able to answer every question I have asked her about the genetics of her lines. I still have lots of talking to do with her, nothing has been set in stone yet. I want to see how she responds when challenged about the ear tattoo's. I may not go through with using her lines, but I would still be her friend. She is a nice woman.
ema-leigh said:
No its okay, I welcome your views. Was it her lines you wouldn't trust? OR her herself? I have seen lots of her rats placed with other breeders who all comment on how healthy and friendly they were. (I did contact a few) She also has been able to answer every question I have asked her about the genetics of her lines. I still have lots of talking to do with her, nothing has been set in stone yet. I want to see how she responds when challenged about the ear tattoo's. I may not go through with using her lines, but I would still be her friend. She is a nice woman.

I've obviously spoken to you now in PM about things I find somewhat "dodgy" about her. Not just her herself, I read it and first thought was backyard breeder to be blunt. As I said, why put rats through something at 5 or 6 weeks old? Sorry to use humans to compare again but it's like putting a tattoo on a baby. It will be sore, it's wrong. If her rats go to good homes, the owners will return them to her. If they're just going anywhere, then they will end up in the "wrong hands". No reason to tattoo them, that's the breeders fault for not making sure they are going to good homes.

I'm not saying she's not nice, but her website seems a bit unprofessional and I didn't see anything that made me think she was a good breeder. And I really really don't like that if a rat gets sick under a certain age they are not bred, and rehomed. That is heartless in my opinion, if she loves her rats, why bunk them off as soon as they become unwell? I'd want to keep them knowing they weren't that healthy, keep them to look after them etc.
Oh , i didn't think people would do this to rats.
They're such little animals, i would hate to subject them to anything painful that is avoidable.
Yes, i can see how it is good that the breeders mark will always be there, and would be good for finding them if anything were to happen.
But, like everyone has said, if the rats are homed correctly and the breeder goes about their business in a proper fashion, these sorts of animal brandings aren't necessary.
I'd imagine holding down a rat, even a pup would be quite a task to do something this severe to their ear. So having them anaesthetised must be how it's done? And that also seems a little extreme, i'd hate to put a rat under and would only do so if i had to. The risk of them not waking up would out weigh any benefits of a tattoo to me.
And if they're not being put under, then tattooing them while they're aware and can feel the pain really seems cruel.
They're just little animals. They need to be spared all the pain possible in their short lives with us.
I have also realized that it has been me asking her a bunch of questions, and she has not asked me anything as to how I keep/feed/breed my rats either. I am going to do more research on the lines of rat she has.... since they are in a lot of other ratteries. I am also going to ask her a lot more in-depth questions. Its a shame, because these rats are so beautiful.
ema-leigh said:
I have also realized that it has been me asking her a bunch of questions, and she has not asked me anything as to how I keep/feed/breed my rats either. I am going to do more research on the lines of rat she has.... since they are in a lot of other ratteries. I am also going to ask her a lot more in-depth questions. Its a shame, because these rats are so beautiful.

Her rats do you mean?

I'll be honest I don't think it matter whether it's a rescue rat or breeder rat, any rat can be beautiful...... you said you saw a few red flags yourself. Avoid her and her dodgy ethics is my opinion. :(
Rachael said:
ema-leigh said:
I have also realized that it has been me asking her a bunch of questions, and she has not asked me anything as to how I keep/feed/breed my rats either. I am going to do more research on the lines of rat she has.... since they are in a lot of other ratteries. I am also going to ask her a lot more in-depth questions. Its a shame, because these rats are so beautiful.

Her rats do you mean?

I'll be honest I don't think it matter whether it's a rescue rat or breeder rat, any rat can be beautiful...... you said you saw a few red flags yourself. Avoid her and her dodgy ethics is my opinion. :(

I agree. It does NOT matter how beautiful the rats are or how nice the person is, in the end, it matters what QUALITY they are giving you.

If you were out looking for a car, and you met this REALLY nice salesperson who showed you this GORGEOUS sports car (or whatever car of your dreams), would you buy the car? Even if the car had no engine? Probably not.

Its the same with the rat. Doesn't matter what it looks like or how nice the breeder is, if there isn't anything behind the rat (i.e. good health and temperament) then it isn't worth it. Buying animals from breeders with bad practices only encourages them to continue those practices.
I do want to say though I would not be comfortable with her name being made public here. We've had a few people contact the Rat Shack claiming they were going to sue for defamation or slander. Of course they didn't have a leg to stand on but I would like to avoid all the drama in the first place.
If ema wants too... she can PM people. Thanks.
jorats said:
I do want to say though I would not be comfortable with her name being made public here. We've had a few people contact the Rat Shack claiming they were going to sue for defamation or slander. Of course they didn't have a leg to stand on but I would like to avoid all the drama in the first place.
If ema wants too... she can PM people. Thanks.

Ema stated earlier if she gives the link to anybody not to make it public knowledge.
No I do totally agree with you guys, it is the quality of the rats that matters, not the color or person who bred them. I was still in the phase where I was asking a bunch of questions about the line and the rattery. What I meant when I said she hadn't asked me any questions was I would never send any of my rats somewhere where I had no idea what cage they were going to be in, or what they were going to eat. She has not asked me anything... but maybe she read it on my website? I'm not sure.

I had never knew much about Dwarf rats, but it was brought to my attention they are quite cruel to breed. I never knew that before now. It was her Merle line, and possibly Harley that I was talking to her about. I am still not sure about the Harley's because they all descend from a pregnant pet store rat.

I agree with Jo, I don't want any drama.... I am waiting for a reply from her to answer some of my questions.
ema-leigh said:
from a pregnant pet store rat.

Ema she's a BYB...... she clearly wants to breed everything, dwarf, harley, whatever it is without a care about the health. She doesn't know their genetics at all - they won't be good though, and she's breeding that. Don't get involved with her!!
Rachael said:
ema-leigh said:
from a pregnant pet store rat.

Ema she's a BYB...... she clearly wants to breed everything, dwarf, Harley, whatever it is without a care about the health. She doesn't know their genetics at all - they won't be good though, and she's breeding that. Don't get involved with her!!

I meant the whole Harley line in general... wasn't it first discovered in a pet store by Old Fellows Rattery? A pregnant female with long hair, and they bred her back to one of the sons she was carrying and created the Harley gene.

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