Do we have any biology grads on the forum? lol I'll ask my son, he's in biochem but his girlfriend is a biology grad.
In the video, Sophie looks great. Her fur is smooth and shiny, eyes are clear, she's curious and very active. She may have lost weight but she certainly does not look underweight, in fact, I can see the outline of her muscles... I'd say she's in perfect form. But... don't want her losing anymore.
Ratty Momma said:
Okay found this!
Globulin is one of the three types of serum proteins, the others being albumin and fibrinogen. Some globulins are produced in the liver, while others are made by the immune system. The term globulin encompasses a heterogeneous group of proteins with typical high molecular weight, and both solubility and electrophoretic migration rates lower than for albumin.
But what's the purpose???