Rosie's tumor-she didn't make it =(

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I'm sorry to hear it's a tumor. My Jazzy was over two when she had her first tumor removed. Then it recurred in the same spot two months later and I had it removed again. Then it recurred for the third time two months later. I decided that I would not put her through a third surgery at that time because she had developed fairly significant HED and would have dragged the incision area. I had to euthanize her eventually when her skin started to split and bleed over the tumor. She was still bright and alert right up to the end. From the first surgery on, she was with me for 10 more months. So it was totally worth it. And I think I would have done the surgery again if she hadn't had the HED.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and opinions, it really helps. My husband and I have been talking about it all night and we're going to do the surgery asap. She rested comfortably all afternoon and when I was feeding them their veggies a little while ago I noticed she is having a hard time just sitting on that leg correctly now and her little foot was off the ground a bit and shaking and one toe even appeared to be throbbing :sad3: After a few minutes she finally got comfortable and managed to position it flat on the ground and it stopped shaking and everything but I feel so bad at how much it's starting to bother her. My only concern is the last time she went in for surgery the vet said afterwards that initially she went under "a little too far" and it took them a minute "to get her back where they wanted her" but then everything went smoothly.So I asked him right then, "do you think that means she won't be able to have any other surgeries" and he said "no, not necessarily, we're just going to make a note of that and it would be good to mention again if she needed surgery in the future." So that makes us really nervous, not really sure what to make of it. But we'll be going to this new vet so I'll have to mention it to her, going to call tomorrow and try to set it up for early next week.
I have doxycycline and zithromax on hand would either or the combo be acceptable abs for before/after surgery. If not I'll ask the vet to prescribe something when I call tomorrow Thanks again everyone
She's feeling much better since we got the metacam. She's her happy self again, I can see the difference in her face...she woke up for some scritches before veggie time :heart:

I would discuss the antibiotics best for her with the vet. The two you have are good for respiratory infections, so if she has a history of them they may be the best fit, or the vet may want to give her something that's better for abscesses. Not all surgeries call for antibiotics so the vet may be reluctant to prescribe them, I just find with older rats or complicated surgeries it's better to be safe than sorry.

ETA: I'm happy the Metacam is helping! She looks very content :heart:
I made this same choice with a rat. I looked at it similar to victoria. Before it would rupture causing pain i cannot control. I would have the surgery done. I decided that even if she passed in surgery, at least she was not awake. I figured I would lose her either way, it is a choice of a painful way or allow the chance to try even though her survival was very slim.

It is a hard choice. Hugs to you for being there. I hope for a wonderful outcome.
She does look comfy in that pic. Good luck with the surgery. I had a healthy girl operated at 27 months. Lulu made it and lived for another 3 months.
She does look so happy in that last photo. I hope that she does well in surgery and that you have some more quality time with her. Sounds like you made the right decision finding a more experienced vet. Fingers and toes and paws crossed that she can have the surgery soon.
Thank you all for the kind words and wishes. I called the vet's office yesterday morning to schedule the surgery and they said the soonest would be Friday. I told them that I really don't think she can wait that long and they said if I talked to the vet herself she MAY be able to do it sooner. So I told them I wanted to speak with her anyway because I had a few questions (antibiotics, and I want to see if Zoey can have her tumors removed at the same time, sh's the diabetic and was scheduled for the 28th but I'd rather have them done at the same time because they're best friends and would have each other for healing time.) They told me she'd call me back. Well they closed at 12 so when still hadn't heard from her I called back and said, "do you think I'll hear from her today because she's really uncomfortable?" And the receptionist said "I'm not sure but I'll leave her another message and let her know that." And of course I never heard back so I'll be calling as soon as they open tomorrow and since the vet doesn't work Tuesdays or Thursdays I know lost the opportunity for Monday or Tuesday and the soonest would now be Wednesday IF she's willing to do it earlier. :cry: And today she's been chewing at it a lot despite the metacam, there's a raw spot now almost the size of a dime not quite that big yet. So I am freaking out, I don't need it to get infected or abcess, or her chewing any more of it before the surgery, I can't imagine how she is going to last till Friday. If she says she cannot do any sooner I'll definitely be asking if she recommends another vet that may be able to do it sooner. my poor girl, any suggestions? Thanks again everyone!
I'm sorry your girl isn't doing well. You may be able to increase the Metacam dosage or you can ask the vet for another pain med to use in addition to Metacam.
The tremor you are noticing might be hind end weakness, the nerves jump and cause these tics through the toes and may not be the tumour affecting her.

Are you seeing her chew on the tumour? Or just assuming because the sores are there?

What dose of metacam are you giving and what's a rough estimate on her weight? We'll see how much more you can give her.
Hi everyone,
I was very relieved when the vet called me back first thing this morning. She set it up for Wednesday instead as soon as she head she had a raw spot and she prescribed abs so I was very happy with her! The raw spot is probably only pea sized I got a better look at it today but she's definitley chewing it or at least licking because I've been trying to stop her for the past half hour Finally pet her to sleep lol. The vet also upped her dosage to .1cc metacam, she weighs 540g, she's gotten so fat since her spay. But I gave her that dose at 430 shouldn't it be helping by now? Also the antibiotic is called tms suspension, has anyone heard of it? Thanks again, cannot wait And when I went in to get the abs I got to talk to the vet for a sec and explained the incident last time where the vet said she slipped under a little too far and she said they can become increasingly sensitive to the anesthesia and they'll be extra careful but there's no saying what will happen. I'm a nervous wreck, either way something would have to be Wednesday either way so at least we're giving her the fighting chance I know she'd want. Thanks again everyone!
I think the antibiotic you got is Septra/Bactrim and it's good for abscesses. I've had success with it for respiratory infections but not many others have.

The Metacam you are giving her may have taken some of the edge off but she needs more to make her comfortable.
Thanks, what else could I give her for today that's safe with the metacam? The vet isn't there on Tuesdays but they may be able to call something in or is there something otc that might help? She seems a little more comfortable this morning, just got to get through today, it was so hard to leave her to go to work this morning. Thanks again!
Poor baby girl, i hope it goes well with her appointment :( good luck to you
I will be thinking of Rosie tomorrow for her surgery. I hope she does well. It's scary, but there is no other choice, so be confident in your decision.
I really appreciate all the kind words, I am such a wreck. I got home from work a couple hours ago and she's actually doing pretty well, the spot she's been chewing isn't any bigger and actually looks a little better today, less agitated. My hubby and I are going to have some snuggle time tonight after dinner, she loves being on the couch with us going back and forth between laps to cuddle :heart: No matter what happens we're doing the best thing for her, there's no way she could go on much longer with it. We're dropping her off between 8-9, I'll be there at 8:55 cause I want all the time with her I can get and since it's not the doc normal surgery day she said she may not get to her until the afternoon so I'm also feeling terrible that she's going to be sitting there alone all morning, she's so social and loves having a buddy in the carrier with her, she's only ever been away from them once or twice for a couple hours. But she'll have her favorite hammock and bed. Than you again everyone for all the help and support, in for a sleepless night!

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