We dropped her off at 8:30 and they told us we should hear from them after 12 so I knew when we got a call at 11 that is wasn't going to be good news. The vet said they had her in the middle of surgery and she decided to stop and call us because it was much worse than she thought. It had grown through her abdominal wall and attached itself everywere, there were two other masses forming underneath above it, and there was a large abscessed portion as well as portions with a lot of bateria/infection. She said it was up to us what we wanted to do at this point but there was really no way to remove much of it if any. We told her we didn't want her to suffer and I asked her what she thought was best and she said putting her down at this point isn't a bad choice. I wanted so badly for there to be a way to wake her back up without her feeling the pain just so I could say goodbye but I knew that would be selfish so we had to let her go while she was under. This has been the hardest day ever, I lost a best friend. She really was my heart rat and so absolutely amazing in every way. The vet told us when we came to pick her up to bury her that she was so sweet to all of them and snuggling into the vet with kisses right before they put her under :sad3: she really loved people, she was one of a kind I don't know what I'll do without her there when I get home everyday.
We had a really good night with her and morning though and it's almost like she knew, she was extra sweet this morning, we had her on the bed and she crawled under my sweatshirt to snuggle. I made sure she had her favorite, scrambled eggs for breakfeast and some pasta and of course a yogie in the carrier on the way. I don't regret a thing I think we did what was best for her and we tried but it was just too much for her at her age, I just wish I could've been there when she went under. I gave them a cozy snuggle bed she loved that I got for them this Christmas and when I asked if possible, they said they'd put it in the anesthesia chamber for her, so I really hope they did. Thank you all for your help and kind words, it means so much. :heart: RIP Rosie 8/10/09-1/18/12