jorats said:
That's a good clause to add, although if your pet sitter aware of exactly how to determine if the rat really needs to be pts?
Yes, most definitely! I trust her 100% in this.
She is a reputable breeder & shows rats PLUS has worked as a veterinary assistant before in her parents practise
(which is where I take my rats anyways!)
I wouldn't trust them anywhere else... I do have a few friends who have owned rats in the past, but I know they haven't done their research,
so if my rats were to start showing signs of pain or illness, I honestly wouldn't trust that they would be able to take notice to that.
And yes, chelle & moon are exactly right...
I will try to have my phone by my side at all times, however there are times when I'm unable to.
Say its 3am in the morning, Im in a deep sleep and my phone doesn't wake me up...
OR, I horseback ride on a regular basis, and in my riding lessons, I can't have my cell on me.
So if she is to call during that time frame, there won't be any answer.