Our vet follows almost the same procedure as Jo's. I for one, would not have it done ANY other way. We had to take one of our girls to an emergency vet to be PTS once, and thankfully our exotic vet called ahead and tried to give them some instruction. Hanna did get the gas before, but they did the injection to her abdomen. It takes them much longer to pass that way. And I was just horrified to read of poor Harvey. No vet should EVER do the injection to the heart while they are awake. ryelle I'm so so so sorry that you and Harvey had to go through that! :sad3:
Our vet always puts our rattie in a large plastic tub that's set up for administering anesthesia (they use it before surgery too). i.e. it has a nice blankie in there, and holes cut for the tubes and such for the oxygen and anesthesia.
Our vet always starts slow with just oxygen, as the iso alone is horribly stinky and makes them panic. They slowly increase the gas and the rattie starts to drift off. When they are almost asleep, we quickly switch the rattie to a mask. That way, I can pet them while they are going into deep sleep, and they don't feel paniced from the mask. I ALWAYS hold my breath as I smooch them, because the gas smells horrible and will make you woosie. But I just lean down, hold my breath and give them quick little smooches.
When they appear to be deeply sedated, my vet will pinch their toes for a reaction. When they are all the way under, that's when the vet does the injection directly to the heart. I am right there the whole time and can tell you, they feel nothing at all. They are completely asleep.
The reason I would always do a euthanasia this way, is the heart injection is almost instantaneous. I watched and waitied while it took almost 20 minutes for Hanna to stop breathing after that stomach injection. With the heart, they sometimes barely take 2-3 more breaths and are gone. When I'm ready for my dear little friend to leave this world...I do not want to drag it all out.
I believe the iso gas and heart injection to be the most safe and humane way of euthanasia. :sad3: