Oreo's Inguinal Tumor- Open and Infected?

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Hi guys. She is peeing all right.
It was an inguinal tumor, so she had a chunk of her urethra removed and a new opening made. She is looking so rough, I just feel crushed. She is very lethargic.

I picked her up and she had a big collar one, those elizabethian ones, so I took that off as soon as I got in the car. In the car she was so lethargic, I had to double check to make sure she was even breathing. The second I walked into my room she perked up insanely, I think she sensed she was home, and when I put the carrier on my bed to open the cage, she jumped out of it and started walking around my bed, and literarly a second later started poking at the incision. I put her in the cage and she started walking around, but she tripped over her food and was being really unbalanced, but at least the perked up. Then she started chewing on her incision, even when I tried to pull her head out of there she was going at it, so I had to put this terrible collar back on. She got out of it twice before I tightened it, and now it looks like she gave up on jumping around and trying to get it off, she is just laying here and is worrying the crap out of me.

Why is she so lethargic? I'm so scared.
She's probably chewing the incision because it's hurting. Also she must be really tired just from the stress and the operation. Poor baby.
I don't even know if she has eaten since morning. I know they did the surgery around 10:30, and she hasn't really eaten since then, they said. I don't know about water. Fluid injections are on my receipt, but they are in there under the "included in above price" section, along with anal gland checks/nail trims, which obviously no one was doing on a rat.

She licked one water droplet off of my finger, and like a drop of water-mixed oxbow, and she is just sitting there now. She moves around every now and then in an attempt to take this collar off but then just settles down.

What should I do?
Should I take the collar off?
Should I try to put a body cast on her with medical tape?
What if I try to do that, but I am just causing her more pain and stress?
What if I take off the collar and she just insists on trying to yank out those stitches?
I don't see how she can be so lethargic, but so persistent at the same time. I'm scared that she is in grueling pain. I was given Buprenex 0.3mg/ml, to give her every 8 hours in doses of 0.03ml. The first dose is to be given "tonight", should I give that to her now?
How do I even force her to swallow?
God, this is hell. She just moved a bit, she's trying to paw off the collar again.

(I'm really sorry I'm asking so many questions right now and making a second post in a row, but I am just panicking and scared. The vet and the vet techs seemed pretty confident that she is fine, we have an appointment made for two weeks from now for stitch removal. The stitches look very good by the way, the incision does, and she has a new urethra- isn't that insane?)

Edit: Yeah mamarat, I imagine she must be. It's just hard to see her like this, I'm real worried about her. Thanks for replying so fast, it's so comforting!

I offered it to her, and she drank about 2 teaspoons I would say, though some was spilled. She didn't want any of the watery oxbow, or even her baby puff treats watered down. Oh well, just water is so good!
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I've had a few with huge operations only eat much later in the evening. I always offer soy milk and baby cereal after they come home.( in a hospital cage) I don't force them to eat right away. A new urethra, awesome what they can do now. Hugs to you and breathe! And be patient with her.
Does anyone have any experience with this Buprenex?
(It says injectable but I'm to give it orally)

Right now I am just paranoid over everything. Will these make her even more drowsy?
It says that it is common for the respiratory rate to decrease, and that is freaking me out. I am to give the first dose "tonight", then every 8 hours, and to also add on metacam tomorrow.
That's the stuff that causes pica, I believe.

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Yeah, it is one of the side effects of it. But there isn't much in her cage she could eat, except a cardboard box I can just remove. She is in the bottom half of the critter nation, closed off, with just a water bowl, food bowl, cardboard nest box, and fleece on the bottom. I don't think she would somehow chew apart and eat this fleece....

This is the only strong medicine I have, I only have metacam other than this, I'm scared that won't be strong enough on it's own.
That's the meds I got for Pierre when his leg was amputated but he had no problems with it. Pain management is really important at this stage.
That's the meds I got for Pierre when his leg was amputated but he had no problems with it. Pain management is really important at this stage.
I agree. I'm hoping the dosage and stuff is fine(the ratguide doesn't give an exact dosage, it varies), so I will just give it to her now like my vet said. Please, oreo, swallow this...
Good luck!
Yay, she took it OK!
I also used this time to see how she would do without the dreaded cone, which I took off to give her the meds. The second I set her back down she went at the incision, gosh darn it. :(
Back in the terrible cone with Oreo...

Do you remember how Pierre responded to the meds, or how he acted? Was he more or less lethargic? Do you by any chance remember how long it took to work?
I remember Pierre had to stay in the hospital cage for three days, only coming out for play dates. He was quiet. He was also on metacam.
Ah, okay.
Oreo is supposed to be on it for 3 days, and I haven't let Ratatouille or Matilda with her yet. I might just for a second, to let them sniff at each other-- I can tell the two are worried, they have been looking for her all day and instantly ran to the door when we got back, and have been sniffing around at where the division between the two halves it.

Very good news, Oreo ate a bit!!!
She ate a bit of watery cream of wheat(made with water, a small splash of milk, and honey), maybe a lick or two of watery oxbow, and a small bit of water! I think those meds might be kicking in, because after she ate for a while, she literally started to fall asleep and droop into the spoon, before snapping awake and eating a tiny bit more. She also looks a bit calmer now, just sleeping some.

She either hasn't gone pee pee at home yet, or she has and it is normal, because I do not see any blood or something like that on the fleece. I can't tell if she went at all, however. I tried feeling with my hand for wet spots but didn't find any.

oh poor baby in the big cone of shame! that's cool that its clear so you can see thru it.
I'm glad that she's able to eat some, hopefully she'll sleep well and not stress out about the cone.
Oreo, you sweet sweet girl. Sending tons and tons of healing vibes your way. Eat, eat, eat, drink, drink, drink and pee, pee, pee!!

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