Oreo's Inguinal Tumor- Open and Infected?

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Today I called another vet in the area that I heard is experienced with rats. I explained the situation, with me not knowing if my vet can do the surgery soon, and they said that their vet is experienced and to give them a call if on Wednesday my vet says that she can't squeeze us in. Fingers crossed that this will all work out!

Oreo has lost weight, as I said, and I am very scared because I know that she needs to be as strong as possible for surgery. :(
I have been weighing her since the vet, and the scale doesn't say that she lost more, but she is skinnier. And this kitchen scale isn't very exact, it is hard to read correctly...

Her appetite is still the same(I think the metacam has kicked in and the wound isn't hurting her much anymore), and she is eating her oxbow, and very gladly scarfing down veggies and fruits. I'm guessing that means that the tumor is eating up all her calories(it has grown).

Is there anything I can do about this? Should I get some ensure? They make a special one specifically for weight gain, but that would probably be a protein and fat overload for a rat. I'm not even sure if giving her ensure or some kind of nutritional/caloric boost like that would help, won't she just not eat as much of the other foods if she gets full of shakes?
You could try high calorie, nutritious foods. How about nuts and avocados? My kids love them! Other people will have some ideas.
Thanks joanne.
My kiddos hate avocado, I have no idea why. But nuts I might have around!
I was always conflicted about this as well, mostly due to the high sugar content of the ensure.

Maybe an enriched baby cereal with added veggies? it may seem odd to us to add veggies to a cereal but rats love that combination.
I was always conflicted about this as well, mostly due to the high sugar content of the ensure.

Maybe an enriched baby cereal with added veggies? it may seem odd to us to add veggies to a cereal but rats love that combination.
Maybe. I am mostly looking for something to help keep her nutrients up and maybe get her to build up some fat before surgery. I wish there was a way to tell your rat "Hey, eat a lot for the next few days!". :(

Any kind of baby cereal you'd recommend? I have never purchased those before...
I get the mixed grain cereals like Beach Nut multi grain. You could add sunflower seed kernals or other nuts - or a nut butter like almond butter? if you have it, If you add any nut butter you want to add enough liquid to really thin it out to avoid choking. add some full fat nut milk or soy milk, maybe? I've never had a problem with rats being too thin :/ Even the sick ones stayed a good weight.

I like to warm the milk up when I add it (often I just use water and some nut butter, see why my rats are always fat?)

I know some ppl here give their rats a bit of bread soaked in olive oil.
Thanks everyone. I didn't go to the store, so I gave her some cream of wheat cereal with nuts and some olive oil, hopefully that will help a bit. I called my vet again today and explained the situation more, and the head technician promised to talk to the vet and call me back soon. That was at around 8 this morning, so I am waiting for a reply. Fingers crossed!
If I don't get a reply by lunch, I will call the other vet and schedule an appointment for today.
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Well, the other vet fell through completley. However, my normal vet is able to fit her in tomorrow morning!!!!!! :bliss: :ratwave:

Now I'm just worried sick, completely petrified actually. I think I'll break down dropping her off tomorrow.

What should I excpect post procedure?
I've never actually had a baby return from surgery. >___<

How should I prepare the cage? Would separating the critter nation for at least a day be wise/ok? Is fleece OK or should I put in paper towels or something? Should I offer soft foods and a water dish instead of the water bottle and oxbow? HEEEELP!
I usually put the rat back in with their cage mates after they have recovered from the anaesthetic and just watch them for a bit to make sure there is no pestering, but other people separate them for one or more days.
The fleece should be fine. Paper might stick a little to the incision if it oozes.
Whatever she is used to for water and food is good, and then supplement it with some yummy stuff like baby cereal.
It is perfectly normal to be worried for her. Love her and kiss her like there will be no tomorrow, and then put your faith in your vet knowing that you are making the right decision. Is it a gamble? Yes, but there is so much to gain from doing surgery, literally perhaps a year of life, that makes the gamble worthwhile. We will all be thinking of her. Hang in there!
We have one of these (actually 3) that we use as a "hospital" cage - just put Clark into his for the next couple days.

After a couple days we put them back in with their friends as along as they are doing well. Clark however, is a bachelor so I don't have to worry about that. I give them their regular food with a few special treats of course.

:pills: Healing vibes and prayers for a quick and safe surgery for Oreo from all of us. Calming vibes for mom!
Thanks Joanne. I'm trying to stay hopefully and to stick to that, like you said! It is so much better to try and give her a chance than to just give up and watch her suffer. I am very worried because it has gotten worse, and because what if it doesn't heal or if it comes back instantly, but if I didn't think there was a point and benefit in doing it, I wouldn't be doing it! I'm going to start cleaning the cage now and hanging out with them, focusing on the positive.

dspch, thanks so much. I know Clark just got out of surgery, and I am so happy that he is doing well, too. Best wishes right back to you and your babies!

How long does it usually take to fully recover from the anesthetic? I've seen animals volunteering that recover rather quickly, but can't tell how long it takes for them to be the same, also it varies.
Will she be loopy or lethargic for a while?
What about stitches and the surgical wound, how do I prevent her from messing with it, or make sure she won't be when I go to sleep?(That's my worst fear, I'll wake up to a rat with all the stitches ripped off!)
Do most rats pica? Should I remove any tissue or cardboard from the cage to prevent this? Should I offer her nest boxes or heat pads?
If the vet is using gas only, then she should recover very quickly, in minutes she will be conscious again. They have to be very careful about pre-sedation, as it's easy to lose a rat to the anaesthetic. The pica usually comes from narcotic pain meds. If you can avoid them and control the pain with Metacam or an NSAID, then there are none of those side effects. The best way to make sure she doesn't mess with the incision is to make sure there is proper pain control. Every once in a while you will have a rat that pulls out the sutures regardless of what you do.
If that happens, don't panic! Take a deep breath. Depending how long the sutures were in there and how big the gap is, she may or may not need resuturing (or gluing).
Most of my boys are back to normal, for the most part, when I pick them up. Grumpy and Snickers had problems and it took a couple days, but this was with the new vet and before I knew about buprenorphine. I forgot the name of the drug today and didn't write it down on Clark's paperwork as a do no use and he seems like he might have a bit of pica going on.
Thanks guys, I'm pretty sure my vet uses only gas, and I have metacam at home(they would have sent me home with it), and they are injecting her with metacam during the procedure, too. Hopefully my girly won't be too much trouble with the stitches. The surgery will be in the morning, so I will be with her all day and evening, but I probably will be forced, kicking and screaming, to go to school on thursday. :strike:

Should I request a body cast made with tape?
Found that recommended here: http://ratfanclub.org/surgery.html
Okay, Oreo-baby is at the vet. I dropped her off around 8, and they said they should be calling me back around lunchtime... :praying: :sad-p:
Sending more wishes your way. I wouldn't worry about a cast unless she is chewing at it. From what I understand she should be fine as long as she is properly medicated for pain. :grouphug:
Oreo is recovering from surgery at the vet's!!!
I just called, and they said that they finished about half an hour ago. They said they removed the mass and she is recovering, but they had to go into her urinary tract and create a second opening for her urine, so we will have to observe is she is going pee. I can come get her around 4, I guess they want to observe her. >_____________________< <3

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