Newmarket Rats.. Flower & Mena update 6/22

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hopefloats said:
eagle said:

Why it is for sleeping in didn't you know that. :laugh4:
Nominate RPOM

Second! Gaston is way to cute for his own good

I don't even know why I posted that...

For a second... the hoarding side of me was like... BABIES!!! And then I came to my senses... and was like... hmmm. Wonder why "Ottawa" made me feel like something big could happen.


Whoever this lucky person is... I wanna meet 'em! I can maybe meet these adorable babies :)
Hehe ... that would be me. The empty rat cage is driving me nuts ... every time I eat I think "oh, the rat would lov ... oh wait ... no rats ... =sigh=" and I swear I hear noise coming from the cage sometimes :crazzzy:. That and my cat is growing depressed and sad and takes it out on me by being extra annoying.

Sunday seems very very far away right now. Man ... can't wait. I'm so not going to be able to sleep Saturday night :bunnydance:

Visitors are more than welcome ... we're in Sandy Hill ...
Helene and her husband Frank came by today to pick up their new 3 boys...Gaston, Figaro and Nero. It was wonderful to meet them after so many years. Helene is the one who held my hand and gave me the best tips when I was learning how to sub-q. I never forgot that. I had pointed her to some needy boys to adopt in Ottawa but was even more happy to adopt my 3 Newmarket boys to her and her husband today. :thumbup: Thank you!!!

I had the little monsters out tonight on the couch, figuring I could wrangle them more easily there, since 3 were gone. :cheeky:

Cubby and Boomer are cute, little boys who are already silvering. :)


Cubby has the shorter "white" tail tip, and the more youthful face



Boomer is a bit more solid and has the longer pink tip on his tail

Rufus was really really hard to get pics of, his light beige coat and ruby eyes would constantly wash out with the flash :doh:


My hand was in the way :roll:

and wee Yar has really caught up to his brothers...such a cute and brave little fellow. He's first out and loves to follow Alvin around.



I'm glad the sub-cu tips helped and it was great to meet you too. I felt like rat groupie getting to meet all those rats whose tribulations I read about on the boards. And the half wild boys ... woah ... talk about huge! The 3 boys are slowly settling in though they're still very shy. Hopefully they'll soon realize that nobody is going to eat them.
The new boys are adapting very well and slowly getting over their initial fear. Though they do still tend to stick to on level of the cage at a time.

Tongue picture :) They look so small compared to the water bottle

I'm having a hard time taking good pictures of him ... there he looks like a hamster for some reason

Gaston, doing what he does best: being adorable

And trying to steal things from me :D These guys REALLY love their lab blocks

Nero somehow managing to look very rotund

Peeking around ... almost all my pictures of him are food related ... here he was finally getting out of the lab block tray and not looking as spherical. Figaro used the wheel for a little while so I'm happy with that

Big surprise ... Nero ... eating. Being adorable and only slightly ball-shaped. He's got this permanently worried look about him. How can you not give him everything that he wants ... with a face like that. I know it tugs at my heart strings big time
Awww Figaro does look like a hamster in that pic, Gaston is handsome and awesome as always, and your right, Nero's pathway to his heart is food :laugh4:

They look great Helene!
More baby boy updates. :)

Cage cleaning is the best they think...they try to "help" so much. I leave them in there while cleaning so that anyone could do it later in life and not worry about them getting stressed or nippy. Those rats aren't fun to clean around. :roll:

Then they come out...

Rufus went from being a very shy boy to a very curious boy :D


Yar is the same size as his brothers now... :joy:

Still the cute baby face though :mrgreen:

Boomer is the brave black berk, he's really silvering, and looks sooo shiny.


Cubby is still the shy one...he's silvering too but not as extremely as Boomer


Milton my lovely boy :heart: He used to be so reserved, but first Alvin then the babies brought him out of his shell :D


And we have to go looking for Alvin today which is shocking!

Someone's sleepy :heart:
OOOoooooooohhh. Lookit those shinny shinny black boys! :dance: Wow they are super pretty boys! And Yar looks way bigger than before. Haha. Must be the good food he's getting now. :giggle:
Baby girls turn now...

Nala sadly has a mild URI, but is very good about taking her meds...I think she thought I had a treat in my fingers. :giggle:


Teeny Alana the bareback


Adella is just like her brother :D

Arista is gorgeous!

and you can see how teeny they are still although Nala is not a lot bigger than them.

Going back to play with the baby girls now!! :dance: