Momma - Play Hard Beautiful, R.I.P <3

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Came home from work find momma walking towards the right again ..and she is not running around like yesterday, ..she is stretching and yawning alot ..took her a while to get up from her sleep ..she's just sitting under the pillow on the couch she was doing the day after the stroke.

Here eye is the same as it was yesterday, no change there.

Her appitite is still good.

Still holding her food right.

lilspaz68 said:
Put her back on the pred Renee :/

Okay ... :sad3:

Edit: My vet went on Holidays today, for a month .....I really hope nothing bad happens </3

Please send Momma all the healing vibes you can!
Ok, so I just gave her the pred.

I have been home for about an hour and a half ..where momma was just turning to the right, walking slowly, kind of confused, and just sitting under the pillow (JUST LIKE SHE WAS THE DAY AFTER THE ??STROKE??. She was still eating and holding food well.

Now she is jumping off the couch ..and running ..making full round turns to the right, and hard turns to the left.

She was not head bumping when I got home, or now.

I am going to go insane ..I really dont know what's going on ..why would she change so fast??

She just got up when I got home, but she's always just getting up when I get home ..and NEVER has acted like that?????

Edit: she is kind of all over the place when holding food and eating **video uploading**
You may be going through something similar to what my Taffy went through this summer. She had ups and downs, some good days and then big setbacks. She seemed to have had an initial stroke, and then several more strokes/setbacks as time went on. She also had a few seizures. It was 4 1/2 months from the time things started going wrong until she passed. Her bite also went off for about a month but then spontaneously corrected after a trimming session. Momma sounds like she may be headed on the same path...
I just got Momma to eat a cheerio ...she is clubing her paws ..and her back feet are further under her causing her to rock backwards ... :sad3:

I think Mom is in early stages of PT ... :sad3:
Figured I'd Share Some More Pictures!

Momma has been resting with Hannah :heart:




NOOO :cry:

I am so sorry hunni! I hope it's not PT and will keep hoping and praying for her recovery and you know your babies are always in my thoughts and of course additional *healing vibes* for your beautiful lady. :heart:
Strokes can happen multiple times, like, mini-strokes. She could have had another episode. It could be being caused by a PT, another type of tumor, or something causing bleeding. I would just keep her on the pred and baytril, pred will keep her appetite up hopefully. =/ :hugs:
I'm so sorry to hear that, Ratty Momma! :'( Sending lots of love, belly kisses and healing vibes your way. I hope everything goes well and I will keep checking in on this thread.

She's such a strong beautiful girlie. :heart:
jorats said:
Does your vet have anyone that replaces him? Ugh! a month with no vet is insane.

He does Jo, but he is the worst person ..he won't listen to any suggestions and he wont research anything like Dr. D. ..he os the type that "kknows everything" ..ugh ..I do have unlimited refills on pred, Baytril and doxy while he is gone ..I am calling him this morining to see if I can get that med Lilspaz is trying.

Thanks everyone ..she's back on the pred full term now ..lets hope it works as well as it did before the weaning process.
The pred should bring her back, at least most of the way. The bromocriptine has to be ordered from a human pharmacy and I don't know if your vet will have time, or even want to from what you told me.

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