:joy: so happy that Griff is doing well too! That's great news! :dance:
It sounds like a good idea to get the spay. I've also been looking into two drugs. the one mentioned earlier in this thread -- melatonin -- and another named lupron. I asked my vet about melatonin and the info he's found is sparse just yet. Sounds like it's relatively new in the veterinarian world -- maybe experimental? I've found more on lupron, which I plan to ask him about next.
If I've got this right, melatonin is for rats that have had tumors, to help prevent another. and Lupron is for rats that have tumors, to help shrink them.
Probably it's gonna be better and cheaper to have them spayed, but I thought it worth looking into the alternatives too. My girls had the tumors removed, but have not yet been spayed.
Also, since this whole episode, I've become much more aware of my girlies and their behaviour in general. I see that Lollipop is for sure slowing down some. She is one year nine months. Her cagemate Skittles is slowing down a bit too, but not as dramatically. We think Skittles is younger by a few months. I'm thinking that's kinda normal at this age now? The two of them sleep SO much of the day and evening. But when they're up, they are full of vim and vigor, and eager to come out of the cage. They just don't run run run like they used to. I assume that's the way it goes, but if I'm wrong and they're too young yet to be slowing down, please let me know