Lollipop has a mammary tumor

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Thanks for all your responses. The girls had the surgery Thursday. The vet suggests staples not be removed for 12-14 days. How soon, in your experience, could they be removed? I'm watching them like a hawk, but can't stay home forever -- gotta go back to work Monday.
Forgot to mention. Both girls had tumors removed but were not spayed. Monday at noon will be 4 days with the staples in. The vet told me that he used sutures, glue and staples.
If it's got glue on the outside, I'd get the staples removed Monday, I wouldn't risk it.

edited to add: only if the incision looks to be healing and clean.
Lady's doing great now, the wound is a bit scabby at the edge where she chewed it, but otherwise it looks so neat and clean. Horrible-ness, though, Griff has a lump in the EXACT same place now! by the left front paw - is that just a very common place for tumours to form? if not, weird...I guess it must just run in their family

So, i'm making an appointment for Griff tomorrow, Lady will go along for moral support of course. They're gonna think that Vet's their second home. It's weird (and a relief!) but they actually seem to quite like it there, they get all excited and inquisitive!

Is Pet insurance an option? obviously they're going to become more costly for us over the next year, so i'm wondering
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that! My best to Griff!

Glad to hear Lady is doing so well.

My girls both had surgery on the same day for tumors which appeared in the same places on both their bodies within a few days also. And in my case, the girls are not related. The tumors were under their right arm. They've both been chomping at their incision areas and grooming eachothers' too, so they're not looking so neat and clean at all right now. I keep watching them like crazy and look forward to the day when it's all cleared up. I'm guessing it'll be at least 2-3 more weeks at this point. Unless they stop grooming it :roll:

Keep us posted on Griff.

We don't have pet insurance for rats in Canada. I believe there's one company in the US that sells it. I don't know about the UK.
Griff has an appointment tomorrow! I think she'll be fine - she's so tough...well, if she can put up with Lady! as in the Rat, not me, I just realised it could be confusing using my Rat's name on here!

Our crazy Ratty's love it at the vet for some strange reason! so that makes it easier for us at least! plus, I think we've caught the lump very early on.
Poor Griff actually had two lumps, getting them both removed today, poor girl, she's gonna look horrible when she comes out of surgery :-( i'm so mad i'm squimish :-(
Is this normal by the way?? I mean, the fact that Queenie left us a few months ago due to a PT, Lady had to have a lump removed recently, and Griff is right now having two removed, and they're only 1 yr and 9 months, it seems a bit much?
18 months old is the typical age for pituitary tumours and mammary tumours, especially if you have females. They are so prone to tumours it's scary which is why I have all my females spayed as soon as I get them.
I'm setting up a Rat fund soon, so I might get them spayed. They're not too old to be spayed, are they? will it be worth it at their age, even?

Another amazing recovery, by the way! Griff's doing great. Once again, as soon as she got home, she started doing laps of the living room! took her a while to tire herself out and get back to her cage! love her. Just need to keep a very close eye on the stitches now.
Great news for Griff!
I've had rescues spayed at 27 months if they're in good health and only had tumors if they're rescued with tumors already.
:joy: so happy that Griff is doing well too! That's great news! :dance:

It sounds like a good idea to get the spay. I've also been looking into two drugs. the one mentioned earlier in this thread -- melatonin -- and another named lupron. I asked my vet about melatonin and the info he's found is sparse just yet. Sounds like it's relatively new in the veterinarian world -- maybe experimental? I've found more on lupron, which I plan to ask him about next.

If I've got this right, melatonin is for rats that have had tumors, to help prevent another. and Lupron is for rats that have tumors, to help shrink them.

Probably it's gonna be better and cheaper to have them spayed, but I thought it worth looking into the alternatives too. My girls had the tumors removed, but have not yet been spayed.

Also, since this whole episode, I've become much more aware of my girlies and their behaviour in general. I see that Lollipop is for sure slowing down some. She is one year nine months. Her cagemate Skittles is slowing down a bit too, but not as dramatically. We think Skittles is younger by a few months. I'm thinking that's kinda normal at this age now? The two of them sleep SO much of the day and evening. But when they're up, they are full of vim and vigor, and eager to come out of the cage. They just don't run run run like they used to. I assume that's the way it goes, but if I'm wrong and they're too young yet to be slowing down, please let me know :)

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