Lollipop has a mammary tumor

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hmmm... and now that makes me wonder... if they're typically benign tumours, why is it usually not beneficial to remove a second one, should it appear later? Is it for different reasons -- i.e. that if a second appears, it will likely be followed by another and another, etc.? And if so, I'm wondering how I'll know when it's time to pts. Maybe I'm thinking/worrying too much about this today!
jorats said:
If it were my rat and for some reason I didn't get her spayed, I'd have every single tumour removed.

Thanks - but isn't there a certain age when an operation would be too stressful for the Rat?

The operation went fine btw! I seriously couldn't believe how chirpy she was afterwards! it was kind of weird.
Sorry, this is a morbid question, but I was wondering, say you get the Rat spayed, or get every tumour removed, and just do everything right, how will the Rat likely finally pass away? is it wishful thinking that they can go peacefully in their sleep? :-(
There's no way to predict that. The rat could get a vicious bout of myco and die gasping and panicking anyway. The spays help with the tumors but not URI or even PT. Sorry I wish it was different.

But I did have quite a few oldies just go to sleep and never wake up. :hugs:

So glad your girl is ok.
The only factor for me and my vet that decides when not to operate is health. But if they are healthy then I get it done.
My rat Vincent had a nasty tumour, a malignant mass on his leg. He also had really bad lungs so we couldn't operate... I was hoping he would not out live the tumour but as it turned out, he did. He was 37 months old, in top health with a huge mass. I decided to get it done. If he died on the table, well that's not such a bad way to go and I know I did everything for him. But he made it through, was strong and healthy for another 2 months and then he seized and died in my arms. 2 months for a rat is like having a year. I'm glad I got it done.

But every case is different. You need to really focus on what's best for the rat as well as what your vet recommends.
Wow! Thanks for this thread everyone! It is really helping me get perspective on things.
I'm a first-time pet rat owner, and in fact, this is the first pet of my own I've ever had. When it became clear that my girlies had tumors, I thought this was the beginning of the end, and I'm not ready to face that! But I'm realizing now that it's not necessarily the beginning of the end. That this is a health issue that must be taken care of quickly. What happens after this remains to be seen. On an emotional level, it's oh-so-hard to know that there's only so much I can do to ensure they live long happy healthy lives. Guess it's like having kids?! lol

Tomorrow is surgery day for both girlies... Here's hoping for the best!
Good luck to both, make sure your vet gives you pain meds to take home (oral metacam). Rats may pick at incisions if they are uncomfortable or in pain. Most times they won't but its best to have that ,or if your vet won't give you any, get some infant/children's liquid ibuprofen just in case.
lilspaz68 said:
Good luck to both, make sure your vet gives you pain meds to take home (oral metacam). Rats may pick at incisions if they are uncomfortable or in pain. Most times they won't but its best to have that ,or if your vet won't give you any, get some infant/children's liquid ibuprofen just in case.

I think my vet mentioned they gave this to all Rats as a neccesity or something. I was wondering why Lady was so incredibly chirpy after the op, (running around immediate afterwards!), and they said it was because of the meds they used afterwards. Very good Vets! i'm sending them a thank you note :D
Both girlies are doing well. Lollipop had a mammary tumor. Skittles did not. She had a lump of fatty tissue which encompassed one of her lymph nodes, but had not yet invaded the lymph node. The vet removed the lump and the lymph node. The prognosis for both girls is good. And they're doing pretty well after surgery!

The vet used staples instead of those melt-away stitches, so we have to go back in 12-14 days to have them removed. Makes me uncomfortable, but hey, looks like it's working ...

I've GOT to tell you these annecdotes:

Lollipop was just lying in the travel box when we picked her up. But the minute she came into the house she started jumping around and couldn't wait to get out of the box. She was so happy to be home!

And later, after a few hours of keeping the girlies next to us on the sofa, resting, and trying to feed them, it was clear that Lollipop was ready to go back into her cage. I'd thought maybe she should stay separate from Skittles for the first night -- just to be safe. But OMG! She would have none of that!!

I'd put her in a smaller cage for just a moment and started cleaning a spot on the coffee table enough to put the smaller cage, and when I turned around, I saw her squeezing thru the bars of the cage, trying to get out!!! OMG! I had a heart attack!

But she's okay. And dare I say, she got her way! I put her in the cage with her girlfriend Skittles, and they are both sharing the space together, as always. Just without the levels for tonight.

I remember reading that they'd let me know when it's time to go back to the cage together, but WOW! I wasn't expecting that!!
Day 2 after surgery. The girls are both more energetic now. Both girls continue to groom their surgical areas, Skittles does so a lot less than Lollipop. I'm keeping a close eye. I noticed Lollipop give a gentle yank on one of Skittles' staples. Luckily I was there to say "no" and move her away. Skittles' grooming seems normal. Lollipop's definitely more than normal, but she's not doing it non-stop.

I, on the other hand, have been watching over them non-stop. With almost two weeks before they get the staples removed, I'm a little worried, 'cause I'll have to go back to work Monday, leaving them for the day. I'm hoping they'll simmer down with grooming the staples area by then.. Tips and suggestions are welcome!
They won't. Staples are unnatural foreign bodies to them and they will yank on them more and more. If you see staples starting to come out get your vet to remove them all. When a vet tells me 10 days to remove the staples I cringe. Rats heal much faster than most, and need them removed sooner. I did staples a couple of times, and then I convinced my vet to just use glue and it works much much better...the site heals so much faster. The girls don't seem to bother with it as much, and there's nothing to tug on. Make sure NO staples come up and out, because I have heard horror stories of a rat catching its lip on a staple and getting stuck and tearing itself. :(
Yep, my Maxwell had a staple caught in his lip when he was trying to pry it off. I would probably ask your vet to have them removed much sooner.
For Maxwell, I had to pry it off myself after two day, luckily it wasn't due to a surgery and more trying to close off a deep gash and it healed well on it's own.

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