so reguarding the meds and ear drops. .. i dunno.. there doesnt seem to be any improvement yet... shes super cuddly and literally layed on me for hours yesterday... keeping her sore ear against my chest.
i felt right bad.. the first time we did the drops... it was a disaster... we are supposed to soak a cotton ball and somehow squeeze the liquid into the ear... ya well im sure most of the liquid got on her head.. and even some in her eye.. poor leia.. we rushed around to get a clean cloth so we could flush her eye out safely with water and clean off her head. tho, i must say .. we are improving at getting most of the liquid in the ear . :roll:
i think she had a small absest on her belly and it must have popped cause we noticed a small hole friday night ...we cleaned it really good and stuff. adn it looks like its healing very quickly... just keeping an eye on it just incase
poor leia.. shes been thru so much.. and im sure shes sick of us fussing over her. but i know she knows its cause we love her and want the best for her. i hope she just gets better soon. shes such a good lil girl.
well im gonna go grab her and cuddle on the couch and watch some tv with her..
laters guys