Leia isn't doing well... now at the rainbow bridge Dec 1

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Yeah I'm glad she's going to be ok. I was pretty worried there the first day, even Dr. Dunnett was worried that she might not have made it. She's pulling through though. Today she seems to be sleeping a lot and not moving around as much as yesterday so maybe she tired herself out.
I'm kinda worried about Leia. She's no where near as active as Emily is and they both had surgery. Granted that Leia did have more done so that is probably why she's still kinda slow. But she doesn't look well to me. Her fur kinda looks puffy like Gloria's did when she was sick. I noticed that some of her stitches are coming out and the ones by her arm are gone. It was bleeding a little the other day so I've been giving her some baytril just in case, 'cause I don't want it to get infected. She looks a little happier being back in the FN with her friends but I dunno still feel worried for her.
We're going to get some pedi light to give her to make sure she stays good and hydrated. Is there anything else we can do for her? I don't see a reason yet to take her to the vet where we already have meds here.
Yeah I gave her some of that as well. Today she was very stuffed up when I went in this morning. The two incisions on her tummy are healed up good it's the one by her arm that's still looking fresh. I think because she was picking at it. I gave her some baytril this morning and some pedialight.
Should I put polysporin on the wound or will that trap infection in?
Oh poor girl. I do hope she's feeling better soon. :sad3:

Can you smell anything around that incision that still looks rather "fresh"? I agree that antibiotics is probably a good idea. If you detect the chance of infection at all, perhaps your vet might give you some Cefa. That stuff kicks infection like nobody's business

Sending Leia many good thoughts.
No I can't really smell anything different on the fresh wound by her arm. The other ones are closed now which is good. She just kinda hides and sleeps all day. Sometimes she'll come out to see me and she'll come out for a drink and food once in a while. hopefully she'll start feeling better soon, poor girl.
Leia is doing much better today. We have been giving her baytril with ensure and pedilight and hand feeding her baby food for the past few days and she's coming along a lot better then she was. Her side arm wound is finally healing to a nice pink skin which is good too see. So the Baytril must have helped her and giving her the extra fluid. Going to keep an eye on her still but at least things are looking up for her :)
Well it's been a month and 3 days since her surgery and Leia is not the same rat she was :( She is very old looking and is very wobbly. She's acting a lot like Gloria did when she was really sick, having a hard time moving around, having a hard time to hold on to anything or hold her head up. It seems like for her to eat it's a very big task because she has a hard time to balance now the food has to be right there in front of her and she keeps her paws on the ground trying to balance herself and hold food.
We're trying to help her by feeding her baby food and giving her ensure but we have notice a big drop in her weight from what she was. We have also noticed that the little bump on her back is growing. The vet thought it could be a cyst of some kind and was going to remove it but I think with all the drama with the tumors she forgot.
We're just wondering when is the right time to help her along? We really don't want to think about putting her down with having had 3 girls put down this year. But she is having such a hard time and not getting as much out of life as she once used to. She just sleeps a lot and sooks big time when you're holding her she'll cuddle right in looking so tired and worn out.
Any advice?
This is such a hard decision. :hugs: Has the light gone out of her eyes? That's how I can tell when mine want to leave for a better place. I'm so sorry, you tried so hard for your sweetie. :hugs:
I wonder if it could be pt... not being able to balance and grasp her food is all part of it.
You can take this extra time for special cuddles and when you feel it's right, you let her go.
Is head tilt part of PT? This morning we noticed Leia looks like her head goes slightly to the left. Should I start her on any baytril? *sighs* our poor girl...at least she's had a good life with us.

edit: Leia is worse today then I thought. I was sitting with them in the play room and watching her. She's bumping into things and when she walks she'll fall over :sad3: could she just have an ear infection? Or is this more a sign of PT? :( taking her to the vet might look closer now then I thought :sad3:
We have an appointment Friday at 1:15...we'll get Dr.Dunnett's opinion...but I think this may be the last week for our poor Leia :cry3:
The only way you'll know is if you start her on Baytril and if she doesn't recover or gets a lot worse, then you'll know it's pt. or something neurological.
She's gotten a lot worse today. She's having trouble feeding herself and moving around. We had to put her back in the other cage yesterday because she kept falling over when she was walking and it wouldn't be safe for her in the FN. She doesn't look good at all. We're hand feeding her baby food and ensure to give her some strength at least.
We'll see what the vet says Friday...
We had been giving her some baytril because she was sounding stuffed up. She hasn't had any in a few days though. We need to get more for the vet. If Baytril would help her that'd be great...but I dunno...it just feels like how Gloria was near the end.

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