I'm kinda worried about Leia. She's no where near as active as Emily is and they both had surgery. Granted that Leia did have more done so that is probably why she's still kinda slow. But she doesn't look well to me. Her fur kinda looks puffy like Gloria's did when she was sick. I noticed that some of her stitches are coming out and the ones by her arm are gone. It was bleeding a little the other day so I've been giving her some baytril just in case, 'cause I don't want it to get infected. She looks a little happier being back in the FN with her friends but I dunno still feel worried for her.
We're going to get some pedi light to give her to make sure she stays good and hydrated. Is there anything else we can do for her? I don't see a reason yet to take her to the vet where we already have meds here.